Student Wellness Services offers booked physician and nursing appointments. We commonly see students for the following:
If you currently receive allergy shots and would like to continue receiving these through Student Wellness Services, please book a medical appointment as soon as possible. A physician appointment will be needed prior to your initial allergy shot.
- After an initial visit with a physician (needed each school year), students can book allergy injections with a nurse
- Be prepared to remain in the waiting room for thirty minutes after your shot so you can be checked for an adverse reaction
- We strongly recommend that all students receiving allergy injections carry an EpiPen with them on that day
- Acne Treatment
- Wart Treatment
- Mole Removal
Students can see our healthcare providers for illnesses and injuries such as:
- Respiratory illnesses and infections
- Infections (urinary, vaginal, etc.)
- Joint and muscle aches and pains
- Assessment and monitoring of other new or ongoing health issues
Medical notes can be written for illnesses and injuries impacting academics at the discretion of the healthcare provider. Notes cannot be written for a past illness. Permission to be excused from classes and exams rests solely with the faculty or department. There may be a cost associated with receiving medical notes.
Find additional information about what to do if you’re unwell and it’s impacting your academics.
Immunizations (also known as vaccinations) are the best way to protect you, your friends and family from serious illnesses. Most vaccines are given in childhood or early adolescence, but it is strongly recommended that post-secondary students make sure their adult immunizations are up to date. See and websites for additional details.
There have been several reported cases of Meningococcal Meningitis Type B in our area. This rare but potentially life-threatening bacterial infection is serious and KFL&A Public Health is encouraging all students to get this 2-dose vaccine. Meningitis B is NOT a publicly funded vaccine therefore is not part of the childhood vaccine series. Find out more about Meningitis B.
Here are the Ontario schedule recommendations:
Vaccine Name | Dose and Timing | Important Information | Publically Funded |
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) | 2 doses as a child or 2 doses 28 days apart as an adult | Anyone born in 1970 or later should receive two doses of this vaccine or have a blood test to confirm immunity. There have been several outbreaks in Canada with the majority of cases reported among young adults. | Yes |
Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap) | 1 dose as a child plus adolescent 14-to-16 year booster then additional booster every 10 years | People should get the adolescent vaccine with the cellular pertussis component, if they have not already. Boosters are recommended since protection against pertussis decreases with time. Adolescents and adults are often the source of pertussis infection for infants and young children. | Yes |
Varicella (Chickenpox) | 2 doses as a child, or 2 doses as an adult if not immune | All post-secondary students who have not had chickenpox as a child, or without other evidence of immunity, should receive this vaccine. Adults who get chickenpox are at higher risk of serious side effects. | Yes |
Meningitis: 1. Meningococcal Quadrivalent (for A, C, Y, W-135 strains) 2. Meningococcal Sero B |
1. One dose received in grade 7, and booster dose at 16-18 years old 2. Two doses one month apart |
There are several different types of meningococcal bacteria - the most common types are B, C, Y and W-135. Living in close quarters with others, such as in student housing, can increase the risk of transmission. While meningitis diseases are rare, the side effects can be severe. Get vaccinated if you have high risk conditions including one or more of the following:
No; may be covered through supplementary insurance |
Hepatitis B | 2 doses received in grade 7 | This virus is spread through contact with blood and/or other bodily fluids. All post-secondary students should make sure they have received both doses. Students from Ontario may have received this vaccine in grade seven while students from other provinces and countries may have received it at birth. | Yes |
Influenza (Flu) | Annually in the late fall, early winter | This vaccine can help reduce the incidence and/or severity of the flu which can disrupt routine activities among post-secondary students. Flu clinics usually occur at various locations including on campus, at public health and local pharmacies, based on vaccine availability. | Yes |
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) | As directed by a primary care provider | Along with public health measures such as frequent hand hygiene and use of face coverings, vaccination is the most important step you can take to protect yourself, each other, and our community. | Yes |
Human Papillomavirus (Gardasil 9 – covers 9 strains of HPV) |
3 doses for those over 15 years old | This vaccine is recommended for individuals ages 9-26 to protect against the virus that can cause cancer of the cervix, penis or anus, as well as genital warts. Routine cancer screening should continue according to recommendations by your health care provider. | No; may be covered through supplementary insurance |
Hepatitis A | As directed by a primary care provider | This vaccine may be recommended for students who are travelling to certain destinations. It is free of charge for men who have sex with men, intravenous (IV) drug users and/or persons with chronic liver disease. | Yes |
Polio & Pneumococcal | Immunized as an infant | Yes |
Immunization Recommendations (PDF, 229 KB)
If you are unsure about your vaccination record, talk to your healthcare provider or local public health unit. Student Wellness Services will complete immunization forms required for academic programs including antibody titres.
For a thorough travel health needs assessment, including vaccines, connect with a local travel vaccination clinic.
- Call 613-507-8317
- Location: 902 Portsmouth Ave
- Call 613-817-9841
- Location: 797 Princess St, Suite 308
- Online booking available
- Call 1-888-322-9843
- Location: 725 Arlington Park Place, Unit 3
- Online booking available – same or next day appointments available
- Location: 284 Earl Street
- Online booking available
- Depression/Anxiety Management
- Medication Management
- Please see our Mental Health services page to learn more.
- Birth Control (including IUD insertion)
- PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis)
- Testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, and HIV for students who are symptomatic or asymptomatic
- Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) quick tests
- Available for students who are asymptomatic (i.e., have no symptoms)
- For Gonorrhea and/or Chlamydia only
- No blood work; urine/swab test
- Check events calendar for STI Quick Test dates
- HIV Self-test kits available through the GetaKit program.
We offer select specialist appointments that are only available to students through referrals from an SWS staff member. At Student Wellness Services, we offer:
- Psychiatry: offers consultation for complex mental health presentations
- Occupational Therapy: work with students who are experiencing challenges participating fully in academic and extracurricular activities due to injury, illness, disability, and/or extenuating circumstances. Sessions focus on building skills and navigating environmental barriers to enable students to participate in their academics as well as other meaningful activities.
- Dietitian: supports students experiencing an eating disorder, disordered eating, or students needing support due to a recent medical diagnosis that impacts their eating behaviours (e.g. Celiac disease)
Staff may also refer students to specialists outside of SWS. If you are referred to a specialist, here is some important information to know:
- Wait Times:
- Average wait times for a specialist appointment in Kingston is 2–5 months, with some as long as 8–12 months
- It can take several months just to receive your appointment date/time
- Travel:
- Due to long wait times, you may be asked if you are willing to travel to get a quicker appointment
- It is usually a good idea to be referred to a specialist in your hometown since you will need to travel back to that city for any follow-up appointments
Referral Steps:
The physician will write a referral stating the specialty and the city where you wish to be seen
It is important that your address and phone number are correct in your electronic medical record, it is how the specialist's office will reach you. If you have a change of address or phone number after you have been referred, but before your appointment time has arrived, please contact our referral support team.
Appointment notices might be mailed, or you may receive a telephone call or email from the specialist’s office or Student Wellness Services.
Bloodwork is sent to for analysis. Tests take anywhere from two days to several weeks to be reported and we do not call students to report negative test results (i.e., no detection of condition the test is supposed to find).
Diagnostic Test Results
- When test results arrive, they are reviewed by the healthcare practitioner who ordered the test; nursing staff may contact patients only if advised to do so by the ordering practitioner.
- Due to the high volume of students seen, students will only be contacted with test results when necessary.
- A follow-up plan should be discussed during your appointment as test results are only one part of managing your care.
- Please book a follow-up appointment to discuss your test results if needed.
Our staff are Rainbow Health Ontario trained and provide physical and mental health care that is gender affirming. We offer hormone therapy initiation, surgical referrals, community resource navigation, drain removal, post-operative care and gender specific counseling. We encourage students to use ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Yellow House Student Centre for Equity and Inclusion for gender affirming apparel (e.g., packers, binders, breast forms, etc.). Our services are available for individuals registered as active students at Queen’s.
Complete our . Once submitted, you will be contacted by a staff member within 10-14 business days to discuss appointment options.
Please note we are not an emergency service. If you are in need of crisis support, please present to your nearest emergency room or see resources below. If you have outstanding concerns about your referral or about our program, call us at 613-533-2506.
Organizations that provide more urgent support:
- Trans Lifeline 1-877-330-6366 (24/7)
- LGBT Youthline Text: 647-694-4275 - Chat (on ) / E-mail: (please note not a crisis service)
- Mental Health Supports and Services
- Sexual Assault Resources
Additional community resources:
Our Triage Team will meet with students who are unsure if they need a mental or physical health assessment. They will work with you to determine your needs and can help with minor issues, answering inquiries, and system navigation.
- If you are planning a pregnancy, visit and information from .
- Prenatal care can be given a family doctor until patients need to see an OB-GYN. Students can also self-refer to .
- Emergency contraception (EC): This is a pill that prevents or delays ovulation, therefore preventing pregnancy after unprotected sex. It is not an abortion and must be taken within 5 days of the sexual encounter (the earlier the better). Some EC (e.g., Plan B) is available over-the-counter at a pharmacy however if you weigh more than 165 pounds, you may require a prescription for a different EC (e.g., Ella). Speak to the pharmacist if you are unsure. Taking EC regularly does not make it less effective the next time you take it, harm your health or make it harder for you to get pregnant in the future.
- Termination of Pregnancy: some of our primary healthcare providers prescribe abortion pills or refer patients to theif an abortion is wanted. Self-referral to the clinic is also available.
Tuberculosis (TB) Testing
- If this is your first time having a TB test, it involve a 2-step TB test. This will consist of four separate appointments spread over several weeks. Please book these appointments well in advance to when you need to have this testing completed.
- If you have documentation of a prior 2-step TB test, ask to book a 1-step TB test. This will include two appointments 48-72 hours apart.
- Please bring all relevant forms and documentation to all appointments.
- There is no charge for students requiring TB testing or forms for Queen’s University mandated professional programs such as medicine, nursing, etc.
- There is a fee for non-mandated TB tests, e.g. for volunteering or for third party requests. Please see price list for uninsured services
Please call us at 613-533-2506 if you have questions about our services.