Cookie Disclosure

The ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ website cookie disclosure message is available to be applied to any ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ website.

All administrators of ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ websites are strongly encouraged to include this disclosure where it is applicable. For more information on the importance of web privacy compliance, refer to the Records Management and Privacy Office.

For administrators of web accounts built using the WebPublish Service (basic, custom, and academia service levels), the cookie disclosure is automatically included in your site.

How it works

When a user encounters and clicks the "OK" button, both a first party and a third party cookie is placed on the users browser for For any subsequent visit to any ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ website (cross-domain included) that uses the cookie disclosure code, the user's browser checks for the existence of this cookie and, when found, the cookie disclosure message is not shown. In cases where the users browser is blocking third party cookies, the disclosure message will only be silenced for the one website where they click the "OK" button.

The cookies expire after 90 days, after which the user will be shown the disclosure message again.

Cookie Disclosure Example
An example of the cookie disclosure message that appears at the bottom of a user's screen

<script type="text/javascript" src="/resources/cookiedisclosure/core.js"></script>

To implement choose one of the following implementation options:

Option 1:

Include the JavaScript snippet in a Web Publish / Drupal Block

drupal block screenshot
  1. Create a new custom block.
  2. In the block body field select source and enter the JavaScript snippet listed above.
  3. Save the block
  4. Add the block to a region on your site. If your site has a footer region add it there, if not, add it to another region near the bottom of the page.

Option 2:

Use Google Tag Manager to include the JavaScript snippet

cookie disclosure gtm screenshot

Option 3:

Add the JavaScript snippet code to your sites html or CMS template manager just above the close body tag </body>