Heather Stuart reflects on how the conversation around mental health has changed since the start of Bell Let’s Talk Day and previews where her research is going next.
Students, staff, and faculty can find ways to focus on their mental health with upcoming campus events and year-round resources for the Queen’s community.
“If it bleeds, it leads” is a well-known maxim associated with journalism. Accident reports often attract readers, even when their headlines give away the plot. This has been true for over three hundred years, since reading the news became part of daily life in 18th-century Britain.
Feeding Africa’s growing population is a big development challenge for governments, policy makers and agriculture experts. Adding to the challenge is the high level of food loss and waste that most small-scale farmers experience.
When David Kepes, Artsci’11, approached the management team of the long-term care facility where his grandparents resided during the preliminary stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, he came with a plan.