As of Fall 2023, the Strategy for Excellence, Equity, and Enrichment in Service (SEEES project) has evolved into operationalizing three key projects focused on staff support and community building in alignment with the FAS Strategic Plan: Refining Processes, Communities of Practice (COP), and FAS-wide Community Building. See “Continuing Projects” for more detail on these ongoing projects, and “SEEES Project History” for background and key outcomes of the SEEES Project.
Refining Processes
Beginning in November, an audit team from the University Ombudsman’s Office will work collaboratively with staff to review and map key processes, identify gaps/areas for improvement, and provide standardized templates/recommendations to be adapted to individual department needs. Priorities based on staff feedback:
- Standardized hiring/onboarding checklists/guidelines for different types of staff/faculty positions
- Standardized provisioning checklists/guidelines for different types of staff roles
- Streamlined processes around Academic Change Forms and Grade Change Forms
Communities of Practice (COP)
Communities of Practice (helping staff in similar roles to network, share ideas, resources, and expertise) will continue to be a priority, with a focus on strengthening existing COPs, exploring opportunities for new ones, and possibilities for cross-unit mentoring/onboarding support. The Research Admin Community and FAS Communicators COP will also be surveyed this fall to provide feedback on what’s working well and where there’s room for improvement within their respective COPs.
FAS-wide Community Building
Based on recent staff recommendations around the need for faculty-wide community building (including between academic units and the Faculty Office), FAS will be exploring opportunities to:
- Strengthen relationships and increase mutual accountability between Faculty Office units and academic departments (eg: similar to the existing FAS Finance support model).
- Encourage cross-unit connections and information sharing, beginning with opportunities for department staff and Faculty Office staff to learn about each other’s work.
- Refine the format of FAS Admin meetings to be more collaborative and interactive with intentional opportunities for community building and participant input.