If you would like to contribute to this discussion, please familiarize yourself with this series and send a topic proposal to cidppublications@queensu.ca
The Centre for International and Defence Policy at Queen’ University is an independent research institute that facilitates peer reviewed and evidence-based research on international and defence policy issues. The opinions and analysis presented within the content these papers are solely the author’s and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the CIDP or its affiliates and partners.
Overcoming Securitization in Quantum Science and Technology Policy
by: Michael P.A. Murphy & Claire Parsons
The Arctic Online: Cybersecurity is Quintessential for Canada’s Arctic Security
by: Dr. Andrew Heffernan & Claire Parsons
Careful Responses: NATO and Russian Nuclear Brinkmanship during the Early War in Ukraine
by: Émile Lambert-Deslandes
Outside the Atom: The Factors Governing the Five Eyes’ Quantum Innovation
by: Bailee Dobson and Claire Parsons
Indigenous participation in the Canadian Armed Forces: Efforts towards Reconciliation?
by: Federica Caso and Grace Scoppio
Wasted Resources: The Need to Rationalize the Canadian Armed Forces’ Use in Domestic Disaster Relief Operations
by: Col Mike Babin
High North, Low Tension: A Primer on Multilateral Arctic Institutions and the Case for Expanded Military Governance and Security Capabilities
by: Allison Brown
Economic Statecraft Through a Gendered Lens: A Risk Assessment for Canada
by: Owen Wong
Cyberwarfare: The 'Pink Tax' of Hacking
by: Owen Wong
Gender-Based Disinformation: A Tool of Hybrid Warfare
by: Owen Wong
Past Briefs
Issue | Title | Author | Date |
8:4 |
Re-evaluating the Defence and Security Landscape: The Pan Domain Approach |
Chelsea Pope | 11/22 |
8:3 |
Recommendations for improving recruitment and retention in the Army Reserve |
Benn Fisher et al |
09/22 |
8:2 |
Framing Disinformation on Social Media in Canada: An unavoidable domestic and foreign threat |
Thomas Turmel |
07/22 |
8:1 |
Morgan Fox |
03/22 |
Issue | Title | Author | Date |
7:6 |
Dr. Linna Tam-Seto | 11/21 | |
7:5 |
Dr. Grazia Scoppio, Dr. Sara Greco, C. Alexander Olteanu |
10/21 |
7:4 |
Bibora Imre-Millei |
09/21 |
7:3 |
Jean-Nicolas Bordeleau |
07/21 |
7:2 |
Dr. Randall Wakelam |
07/21 |
7:1 |
Recruitment and Retention Trends in the Ontario Primary Reserve [PDF 420kb] |
Bibora Imre-Millei |
02/21 |
Issue | Title | Author | Date |
6:2 |
The Case for Mentorship and Coaching the Military Formations [PDF 300kb] |
LTC (P) Michael Meumann and MG (Ret.) Mark J. O'Neil |
2020 |
6:1 |
Philip T. Gebert |
2020 |
Issue | Title | Author | Date |
5:3 |
A Slow Thaw: Canada's Evolving Arctic Defence Posture [PDF 313kb] |
Benjamin Hawkin |
2019 |
5:2 |
Maxim Starchak |
2019 | |
5:1 |
Ryan J. Anderson |
2019 |
Issue | Title | Author | Date |
4:6 |
The Gender Dimension of Veteran Transition [PDF 745kb]​​​​ |
Meaghan Shoemaker and Stéfanie von Hlatky | 2018 |
4:5 |
Robert Martyn | 2018 | |
4:4 |
Counterterrorism: Accounting for the Role of Prejudiced Violence in Policy Response [PDF 569kb] |
Amal Abu-Bakare |
2018 |
4:3 |
David (Yi Le) Zhou |
2018 | |
4:2 |
Deterrence in the Gray Zone: Old Theory to Counter New Strategies [PDF 1.3mb] | LTC Todd J. Allison | 2018 |
4:1 | Stéfanie von Hlatky and A. Thomas Hughes | 2018 |
Issue | Title | Author | Date |
3:4 |
The Baltic States: Enhanced Forward Presence and Non-military Factors [PDF 1.9mb] |
James MacKay |
2017 |
3:3 |
Canada's National Interests and Land Power Implications [PDF 1.4mb] |
Colonel Derek Basinger | 2017 |
3:2 |
Lieutenant Colonel Andreas Vogler and A.Thomas Hughes | 2017 | |
3:1 |
NORAD: A History of Institutionalized Cooperation [PDF 1.2mb] |
Jeffrey Rice |
2017 |
Issue | Title | Author | Date |
2:2 |
The Future of the Canadian Soldier and Enhancement of Human Performance [PDF 1.1mb] |
H. Christian Breede, Sara Greco and Stéfanie von Hlatky |
2016 |
2:1 |
Sara Greco | 2016 |
Issue | Title | Author | Date |
1:3 |
Colonel Marcus Acosta |
2016 | |
1:2 |
Kim Richard Nossal |
2015 | |
1:1 |
Colonel Thomas A. Crowson | 2015 |