

Meeting of the Senate

Thursday 20 January 2011, 3:30 p.m.
Robert Sutherland Hall, Room 202

Preliminary Proceedings: The T. Geoffrey Flynn Advancement Champion Award will be presented by Principal Woolf to Peter Taylor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics

  1. Opening Session

    1. Adoption of Agenda
    2. Adoption of the Minutes of the Meeting of 25 November 2010 (PDF*, 435 KB) (Appendix A, page 1)
    3. Business Arising from the Minutes (Appendix B, page 13)
      1. Vote result: Academic Plan Task Force (PDF*, 265 KB)
    4. Principal's Report 
    5. Provost's Report
    6. [Information]
      Other Reports requested by Senate
      1. Coordinator of Dispute Resolution Mechanisms – Annual Report 2009-2010 (PDF*, 336 KB) (Appendix C, page 14)
      2. Associate Vice-Principal and Dean of Student Affairs – Annual Report 2009-2010 (PDF*, 324 KB) (Appendix D, page 21)
  2. Question Period

    None Received

  3. Reports of Committees

    1. Academic Plan Task Force
      1. [Information]
        Oral report
    2. Academic Procedures (Appendix E, page 28)
      1. [Action]
        Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates, 2009 and 2010 Convocations* (PDF*, 283 KB)
      2. [Action]
        Revision to Policy on Rescinding Degrees* (PDF*, 277 KB)
    3. Advisory Research (Appendix F, page 30)
      1. [Action]
        Development of a Process for Review and Revisions of the Queen’s Strategic Research Plan*(PDF*, 378 KB)
    4. Educational Equity (Appendix G, page 33)
      1. [Information]
        Response to the Human Rights and Equity Report 2006-2009 (PDF*, 9,313 KB)
      2. [Action]
        Response to the University Student Appeal Board (USAB) report (PDF*, 1,107 KB) and Queen’s University Human Rights Policy and Procedure: Harassment, Discrimination and Accommodation
    5. Nominating (Appendix H, page 77)
      1. [Action]
        Elections (PDF*, 278 KB)
    6. Operations Review (Appendix I, page 79)
      1. [Action]
        Scheduling of regular Senate meetings* (PDF*, 270 KB)
      2. [Action]
        Policy regarding publicizing Senators’ email addresses* (PDF*, 266 KB)

    Senate will move into Informal Session to discuss

      1. [30-45 minute discussion]
        Functions of the Senate (PDF*, 368 KB)

    Senate will resume its Regular Business

    1. Orientation Activities Review Board (Appendix J, page 91)
      1. [Information]
        Annual Report to Senate on Orientation 2010* (PDF*, 701 KB)
    2. Principal’s Ad Hoc Committee to Draft a Safe Disclosure Policy (Appendix K, page 98)
      1. [Action]
        Policy and Procedures for Safe Disclosure reporting and investigation* (PDF*, 747 KB)
    3. Queen’s University Planning
      1. [Information]
        Oral update by Provost
    4. University Council on Athletics and Recreation (Appendix L, Page 108)
      1. [Information]
        Annual Report September 1, 2009 – August 31, 2010* (PDF*, 1,064 KB)
  4. Reports of Faculties and Affiliated Colleges (Appendix M, page 122)

    1. [Information]
      Orientation Reports from Education (PDF*, 526 KB), Law (PDF*, 515 KB), Medicine (PDF*, 582 KB) and the School of Graduate Studies (PDF*, 549 KB) *
  5. Motions

    None Received

  6. [Information]

    Communications and Reports Submitted to Senate

    1. Board of Trustees Meeting, Dec 3/4, 2010 (PDF*, 779 KB) (Appendix N, page 128)
    2. International Centre – Annual Report 2009-2010 (PDF*, 1,083 KB) (Appendix O, page 130)
    3. Queen’s University Annual Report 2009-2010
    4. (PDF*, 8.01 MB)
    5. Research Report (PDF*, 746 KB) (Appendix P, page 146)
  7. Matters Referred to Standing Committees (Appendix Q, page 152)

    1. Request for Formal Centre status for the Centre for Energy and Power Electronics Research (ePower) (PDF*, 738 KB)[Referred to Queen’s University Planning Committee (QUPC)]
  8. Other Business

    None Received

  9. Closed Session

    Not Required

*Deferred from November 25, 2010


G. Moore
Secretary of the Senate

*PDF files can be viewed using .