Procurement Policy

Category:  Finance
Approval:  Senior Leadership Team
Responsibility: Vice-Principal, Finance and Administration
Date initially approved:  March 5, 2012
Date of last revision:  April, 2017; January, 2025


The Purpose of the ֱ Procurement Policy (the Policy) is to ensure:

  • That the university acquires goods and services for the institution in a fair, transparent, efficient, ethical, and cost-effective manner. ֱ is focused on obtaining the best value for money.
  • That the university complies with its obligations under the applicable trade agreements and other legislation and requirements.


“Competitive Procurement” is the purchasing process by which potential suppliers are invited to bid on the supply of goods or services. This could either be by invitation (e.g. soliciting quotes from specific suppliers) or an open process (e.g. RFP).

“Consulting Services” is the provision of expertise or strategic advice that is presented for consideration and decision making.

“Goods and Services/Goods or Services” is all goods and/or services including construction, consulting services, and information technology.

“Invitational Quotation” is a quote document issued by the university unit where, in compliance with this policy, the unit has autonomy to select the suppliers from whom quotations will be requested/received.

“Limited Tendering Exception” (“LTE”) is a non-competitive procurement process, where, either only one vendor exists or is engaged by the university (e.g. single sourcing, sole sourcing), or there is an exception permitted by the legislation.  Refer to the Exception to Policy forms if you wish to use a limited tender.

“Non-consulting Services or Professional Services” are services provided by individuals or firms possessing the necessary professional licenses, certifications, or training to undertake work within their specialization to contribute to normal operations (in their regulated capacity) or to defined and approved projects. Some examples include licensed professionals such as Chartered Professional Accountants, Professional Engineers, Medical Doctors, Lawyers, Architects and particular specializations from IT professionals.

“Preferred Supplier” is a company who has qualified through a competitive process with whom the university has a formalized relationship for a set of goods or services, but one that is not necessarily exclusive. Also referred to as a Vendor of Record (VOR).

“Purchase Order” (“PO”) is a legal contract that formalizes an order for goods or services. This is a document generated only by Strategic Procurement Services from an approved PR.

“Purchase Requisition” (“PR”) is a request to purchase goods or services whereby required approvals are obtained prior to ordering. PRs must be completed prior to the receipt of a good or the commencement of service. A fully approved PR becomes a PO.

“Supplier” is an individual or business that provides goods or services.

“Total Contract Value” (“TCV”) is the overall value of a contract with a supplier. It is calculated using all costs associated with the initial term of the contract, plus any potential extensions and including any one time or recurring charges. The TCV does not include applicable taxes.


Policy Statement

Queen’s will engage in competitive procurement for all purchases where practical, advantageous and required under legislative requirements. The TCV determines the procurement process to be followed. The approval authority required, including Board of Trustees approval, is outlined in the Policy on Approval and Execution of Contracts and Invoices, Section A | Purchase of Goods and Services Contracts (Excluding Real Property).

Purchasing Thresholds (in Canadian dollars):

TCV Procurement Requirements
Consulting Services
Up to $121,999.00 All consulting services with a value under $121,200 require approved PO and three (3) invitational quotes.
$121,200 and greater Open competitive (RFx) process is mandatory. This process is run by Strategic Procurement Services.
Goods & Non-Consulting Services
Up to $24,999.99 An invitational quotation is suggested to confirm price, delivery, and other important ordering information.
$25,000 - $74,999.99 Two (2) invitational quotations are mandatory for purchases of goods or non-consulting (“professional”) services.
$75,000 - $121,199.99 Three (3) invitational quotations are mandatory for purchases of goods or non-consulting (“professional”) services.
$121,200 and greater Open competitive (RFx) process is mandatory. This process is run by Strategic Procurement Services.

Dividing a single procurement into multiple procurements to avoid the requirement to obtain multiple quotations or enter an open competitive process is prohibited.

In certain circumstances, and as permitted in legislation, approval for an LTE may be sought. Limited tenders cannot be used to avoid competition or to discriminate against or favour specific suppliers. All limited tenders must be approved by the Director, Strategic Procurement Services, or their delegate, and an authority one level higher than indicated in the university’s Policy on Approval and Execution of Contracts and Invoices, Section A | Purchase of Goods and Services Contracts (Excluding Real Property). Details about possible limited tenders are outlined in the Procurement Procedures.

Sustainable Procurement

Through our procurement, in keeping with the university’s goals, we will make positive contributions to the economy and the overall vibrancy of the community. Sustainable Procurement at Queen’s involves balancing social, ethical, environmental, and economic considerations through all procurement activities. Queen’s units are encouraged to make intentional decisions and include these factors when buying goods and services. Details about how to do this are outlined in the Procurement Procedures.


Instances of non-compliance with this policy by university employees will be reviewed. Consequences of non-compliance include, but are not limited to, disciplinary action, revocation of procurement privileges, suspension, or termination.

Use of procurement systems

Queen’s procurement systems may not be used for personal purchases.


This policy applies to all Queen’s University employees and affiliated entities governed by Queen’s policies.

This policy applies to the acquisition of goods or services for the university regardless of funding sources, e.g. operating funds, ancillary funds, capital funds or research funds.


Strategic Procurement Services

The Strategic Procurement Services department has the primary responsibility to facilitate the acquisition of goods and services regardless of the funding source.

The Director, Strategic Procurement Services, or their delegate, is responsible for maintaining procurement policies and procedures and establishing procurement systems that support the selection and acquisition of goods and services efficiently and that offer the university best value. In doing so, they must maintain acceptable standards and be compliant with legislation.

Members of Strategic Procurement Services are responsible for:

  • Consulting with units to conduct market research, communicate procurement requirements, and identify possible sources of supply;
  • Managing the open competitive, limited tender, or collaborative procurement processes in accordance with this policy, including evaluations, selection, award and debrief processes;
  • Managing supplier relationships on behalf of the university;
  • Ensuring all procurement processes are conducted in accordance with applicable laws, trade obligations, and university policies;
  • Advocating for sustainable solutions, including the consideration of environmentally friendly criteria, total lifecycle costs, and social and ethical impact;
  • Working with clients to mitigate potential risks to the university by conducting thorough procurement planning processes and communicating with all relevant stakeholders;
  • Ensuring that written contracts between the university and its suppliers meet legal and risk requirements and adequately represent the university’s interests; and
  • Documenting any issues relating to contract performance raised by the units.

Responsible Department

The Responsible Department is responsible for:

  • The identification of a procurement requirement;
  • Providing information on functionality and performance outcomes to aid in the development of specifications;
  • Identifying and collaborating with relevant stakeholders, reviewing draft solicitation and contract documents;
  • Identifying and/or participating in proposal evaluation, assisting with negotiations, providing adequate funding, and preparing or approving PRs.

It is also the responsibility of the Responsible Department to manage the performance of the supplier with respect to the terms and conditions of the contract or purchase arrangement. All issues relating to a supplier’s  performance shall be documented and reported to Strategic Procurement Services in a timely manner.

ֱ Faculty, Staff and Students

Any individual, including faculty, staff, and students, who may be engaged in making purchases on behalf of Queen’s, are obligated to act in the best interests of the university and perform due diligence in acquiring goods and services in a responsible and compliant manner with the utmost regard for obtaining the best value for money.

All individuals involved in a procurement process on behalf of the university are bound by the obligations and the BPS Procurement Directive Supply Chain Code of Ethics. Additionally, individuals involved in the evaluation of an Open Competitive Procurement are required to complete a Conflict of Interest and a Non-Disclosure Agreement, prior to their participation.


Related Policies, Procedures, Guidelines: Procurement Procedure; Engagement of Independent Contractor Procedure; Procurement Card Policy and Procedure; Travel Credit Card Policy and Procedure, Policy on Approval and Execution of Contracts and Invoices

Responsible Offer: Director, Strategic Procurement Services

Date for Next Review: January, 2030