"Russia's War in Ukraine"


Thursday March 23, 2023
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm


The Department of Political Studies, the Centre for International and Defence Policy, and the School of Policy Studies Present:

Lt-General (ret'd) the Honourable Andrew Leslie

"Russia's War in Ukraine: Why it started, how it's going, what does it mean for the rest of us, Canada's role in comparison to others, and what might happen next"

Thursday, March 23, 2023 | 12:30-1:30 PM

Robert Sutherland Hall, Room 202 | 138 Union Street, Kingston

A light lunch will be served!



Lt-General (ret’d) the Honourable Andrew Leslie, PC, CMM, MSC, MSM, CD, BA, MA, PhD (hc) was a soldier and led the 57,000 people in the Canadian Army in fires, floods, earthquakes, security missions, peacekeeping and war (Cyprus, Germany, Croatia, Serbia, Afghanistan and elsewhere), being awarded numerous national and international honours and decorations. He has also been a Senior Vice President of a very large multinational corporation, a Federal Member of Parliament, the Chief Government Whip, the Parliamentary Secretary focused on Canada-US Relations and Trade during the time of NAFTA and was included on varied Federal cabinet committees. He now sits on several corporate boards and speaks on international affairs, leadership, transformation, governance, and crisis response. He was educated at Ottawa University (BA), the Royal Military College (MA) where he was also conferred a Doctorate, various Military Staff Colleges, and both the Harvard Business School and the Rotman School of Business.