Resource Launch Event: "Resource Bank: Race, BIPOC and Global Perspectives in International Relations"


Thursday February 16, 2023
11:30 am - 12:45 pm


Course Takeover: POLS 863 Race and International Politics

Launch of the New IR Resource Bank

February 16, 2023 | 11:30 am - 12:45 pm

Location: Mackintosh-Corry Hall, Room B313

Come join us for the launch of the new Resource Bank: Race, BIPOC and Global Perspectives in International Relations. The resource bank is a living document, developed on an ongoing basis as a collaborative initiative between IR Faculty and graduate students in the Department of Political Studies at Queen’s University, as well as collaborators from other institutions. This project was launched in the context of growing calls for diversification and decolonization of disciplinary practices in International Relations. This initiative is part of a broader reflexive moment and ongoing conversations among IR Faculty and students in the Department of Political Studies about the curriculum.

This course takeover will be an opportunity for graduate students to reflect on the past, present, and future of IR as a discipline. We will also invite POLS faculty, post-doctoral fellows, students, and staff in attendance to share their thoughts and offer feedback on the resource bank.

Those who join us are also welcome to stay for the remainder of the class session where students will be discussing critical race approaches to understanding IR’s disciplinary origins and its theories.

Chair: Yolande Bouka, Assistant Professor, POLS


  • Badriyya Yusuf, PhD Candidate, POLS
  • Fikir Haile, PhD Candidate, POLS
  • Anthony O’Donnell, MA student, POLS

Light refreshments will be served. 

This new document has been added to the Resource Library on the Department of Political Studies website: General Resources: | Department of Political Studies (