Human Rights Advisory Services
Phone: (613) 533-6886 Email:
Accessibility Services
Phone: (613) 533-6000 ext. 75734 Email:
Stauffer Library, Room 120C
Adaptive Technology Centre,Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Services
Phone: (613) 533-6000 ext. 36330 (Monday to Friday) (Monday to Friday)
Staff Contact Information
Lavonne Hood - Associate Vice-Principal (Human Rights, Equity, and Inclusion)
Lavonne joined the university in 2018 as Senior Legal Counsel, bringing with her a wealth of expertise and experience. In 2019, she took on the leadership of the University Ombudsperson Office, where she has been an outstanding advocate for equity, diversity, and inclusion. Her dedication to promoting systemic fairness and accessibility for all members of our Queen’s community has made her Office an invaluable partner to the Human Rights and Equity Office.
Lavonne is a central point of contact with respect to providing expertise on statutory human rights matters, advancing equity and accessibility policy development and education, and establishing and fostering positive relationships with equity-deserving communities and organizations both internal to Queen’s and within the broader Kingston community. Lavonne will also work closely with the Vice-Principal (Culture, Equity, and Inclusion) and senior leadership to develop and implement long-term strategic planning to guide institutional areas of focus and university wide objectives aimed at advancing human rights, equity, diversity, inclusion, anti-racism, and accessibility.
To schedule a meeting with Lavonne, please reach out to Meri Diamond at:
Lavie Williams - Director, Human Rights and Equity
After earning her Bachelor of Science from Queen’s and then a Master of Arts in Human Rights from the University of Sussex, Lavie Williams joined the Office as the Inclusion and Anti-Racism Advisor in 2018. Lavie brings her passion for and experience with anti-racism and anti-oppression work to contribute directly in developing, implementing and monitoring institutional inclusion and anti-oppression strategies. Lavie is a central point of contact for individuals and units who wish to access all related anti-oppression and anti-racism initiatives, processes and services at Queen’s.
Meri Diamond - Office Manager
Meri Diamond is the Office Manager and has worked in the Office since 2005. Meri is responsible for the effective management and administration of all departmental operations. Meri contributes to a broad range of office/ campus/ community projects that advance the University’s equity goals. Meri administers the I Count ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Equity Census process to all new employees and administers the Faculty and Staff Employment Equity Process.
Contact: or ext. 79576
Jermaine Marshall - Inclusion and Anti-Racism Advisor
After graduating with a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of the West Indies and a Master of Arts in Social Justice and Equity Studies, Jermaine Marshall joined the HRE Office in 2021 as the Inclusion and Anti-Racism Advisor. Jermaine is a central point of contact for individuals and units who wish to access all related anti-oppression and anti-racism initiatives, processes, and services at Queen’s. As an advisor Jermaine pulls from years of academic and professional experience in order to facilitate an intersectional approach to addressing issues of racism, discrimination and oppression.
Nilani Loganathan - Human Rights Advisor
Nilani Loganathan joined the Office in 2019 as a Human Rights Advisor. Nilani supports students, staff and faculty at Queen’s by working with them to effectively address human rights- and equity-related concerns using a client-led and anti-oppressive approach. Nilani has completed a Bachelor’s degree in Political Studies and International Development Studies and has previously worked to advocate for international members of the Queen’s community.
Heidi Penning - Equity Advisor
Heidi Penning has been with the Office since 2010. Heidi is an Equity Advisor and contributes to the oversight function of the Office regarding the University's compliance and commitment to achieving equity throughout the ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ community. Heidi holds a Masters Degree in Public Administration from ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. Heidi brings with her over two decades of experience about the way that public policy, human behaviour, and community realities intersect to create sustainable and positive change for equity-seeking groups so they can live, work and play with dignity in their communities.
Ana Chuc Gamboa - Special Projects Officer
Ana Chuc Gamboa joined the Office in May 2024, assuming the role of Special Projects Officer. In her current capacity, Ana conducts in-depth research on human rights cases, crafts comprehensive case summaries, shapes equity policies and collaborates on various initiatives in employment equity. She is deeply committed to fostering a community where human dignity is both acknowledged and respected. Ana’s academic journey includes completing her doctoral and post-doctoral research on the intricate interplay between human rights and trade at ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. She holds a master’s degree in International Law, a master’s degree in Constitutional Law, and a Bachelor of Laws.
Barb Lotan - Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Coordinator
Barb Lotan joined the University in May 2016. As SPVR Coordinator, Barb works closely with other campus partners on coordinating training and education related to sexual violence, and developing the University’s central sexual violence policy and other related policies on the Queen’s campus. Additionally, Barb serves as a point of contact to provide information to students who have experienced sexual violence about the services and supports available both on and off campus.
Contact: or (613) 533-6000 ext. 36330
Rebecca Rappeport (She/her) SVPR - Community Outreach and Student Support Worker
Rebecca has joined the HREO in 2022 as the SVPR Community and Student support worker. Acting as a central resource for education about sexual violence prevention and response, as well as a support for students who have been impacted by sexual violence, Rebecca brings with her more than ten years of community development expertise. After graduating with a B.A in International Development with a focus on Gender from the University of Guelph, Rebecca earned her M.A. in International Affairs from NPSIA where she focussed her research on sexual violence and prevention in development contexts. Rebecca applies an intersectional, anti-oppressive lens to all her work, with previous experience in sexual violence prevention and research, directly supporting survivors of sexual violence, reproductive health, and as advocate for youth with disabilities. Rebecca hopes to bring her previous experience to her new role to work collaboratively towards a campus free from sexual violence.
Emma McCallum – Education and Learning Coordinator
In her joint-position as an Education and Learning Coordinator for the Human Rights and Equity Office (HREO) and Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) Emma works to support Indigenization-Equity Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Anti-racism (I-EDIAA) principles in education across the university.
Emma has been a part of the HREO team since 2022. At the HREO, Emma’s role involves training consultation, resource development, e-learning module design, training facilitation, and Positive Space program coordination. Emma’s experience as an educator, Gender and Sexuality education consultant, and community services professional greatly informs her contributions to the HREO and Queen’s community. Emma holds a BA in Gender Studies and Indigenous Studies and BEd from Queen’s University. Emma is completing an MA at UofT (OISE) in Social Justice Education.
Aimee Burtch – Communications and E-Learning Coordinator
Aimee Burtch joined the Office in May 2024, assuming the role of Communications & E-learning Coordinator. Working closely with both the HREO and the Centre for Teaching and Learning, she works with subject matter experts to develop training resources and associated communications to advance the institutional commitments to I-EDIAA. Aimee holds a BCom degree from the University of Ottawa and a Professional M.Ed. from Queen’s.