Thank you, Dr. Bader: Celebrating the Impact of Bader Philanthropy on the SGSPA

Dr. Alfred Bader in his office.

In recognition of the late Dr. Alfred Bader’s 100th birthday, the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs celebrates the positive impact that his philanthropy has had directly in the lives of graduate students and Postdoctoral Fellows. Philanthropic donations like Dr. Bader’s drive innovation, foster academic excellence, and transform the lives of individuals and academic communities. The diverse and multi-faceted research undertaken by the Queen’s graduate and postdoctoral community funded by Bader scholarships and fellowships is evidence of this impact.

In 2015, the Bader Postdoctoral Fellowship program launched and welcomed 11 Postdoctoral Fellows to Queen’s in disciplines ranging from Philosophy to Art History to Literature and Classics. These fellows brought their new ideas to Queen’s during the tenure of the fellowship between 2015-2017, and three of these fellows were hired as faculty members and continue to contribute to academic life here. Dr. Julien Lefort-Favreau notes how “the Bader postdoctoral fellowship which was granted to me in 2015 enabled me to meet researchers in the Arts and Humanities at ֱ, to develop in an interdisciplinary environment. I subsequently joined ֱ permanently, where I am now Associate Professor of French and Cultural Studies.” Other Bader Fellows, like Dr. Anthony Fisher, found success following their fellowship at other universities outside of Canada. Dr. Fisher, who is now a faculty member at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington, explains that “with a Bader Postdoctoral Fellowship, I was able to complete my first book, which was an important stepping stone in my career. My time at ֱ definitely shaped my path forward, to which I am forever grateful.” Dr. Bader’s vision has helped early career researchers transition into academic careers where they will help teach and train the next generation of scholars.

Graduate students are also among the many recipients of Dr. Bader’s support. Niya Namfua, a first year PhD student in the Department of History, elucidated the significance of a Bader scholarship explaining that “thanks to the generosity of Dr Alfred Bader, I have been able to pursue my passion for history and continue my graduate studies. Not only has the support helped alleviate the financial burden of higher education, but it also served a source of encouragement and inspiration as I continue to work on my PhD project.” Scholarships allow graduate students to dedicate themselves to their research in ways that would not be possible otherwise.

Dr. Fahim Quadir, Vice-Provost and Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs knows of the immense impact that Dr. Bader’s support provides. Dr. Quadir notes how “Dr. Bader's visionary leadership and generosity have profoundly influenced the pioneering research endeavors undertaken by our graduate students and postdoctoral fellows at Queen’s University. His unwavering commitment to research and his investment in the next generation of scholars have empowered Queen’s to support emerging researchers to contribute to the global good by carrying out studies that aim to promote transformative change in tangible ways.”

Beyond these tangible outcomes in individual lives, Dr. Bader’s philanthropy also sends a powerful message about the importance he placed on giving back to the Queen’s community and investing in the future through support for education and research. Screen Cultures and Curatorial Studies PhD student Faten Nastas Mitwasi explains “the Bader Fellowship supported me financially in pursuing my PhD education in a new country across the ocean. At the same time, Dr. Bader himself inspired me, as a role model, to overcome life challenges, insist on long life learning, maintain creating art and sharing love and care with humanity. I hope that one day, like Dr. Bader, I can contribute to making the world a better place.” His generosity inspires others to follow suit and contribute to the collective endeavor of advancing education and knowledge. In essence, the impact of Dr. Bader’s philanthropic donations to graduate students and Postdoctoral Fellows at Queen’s University transcends monetary value by shaping the contours of possibility through new research and paving the way for a brighter, more inclusive future. Thank you, Dr. Bader.