The English DSC Council is pleased to announce the launch of our new interactive website, . Our website was launched with the purpose of providing support and learning opportunities for the entire English Department. You will find the work of many students in our department showcased, book recommendations from members of the council, and resources that assist you in your learning whether mental health-related or academic-related concerns. We hope you take a look and explore the many important resources we have created for your learning and growth as students.
We would like to remind you that it is our mission to foster a sense of community and learning in the English Department. In order to achieve this purpose, we have platforms in place on and to provide you with up to date information about upcoming virtual activities for the fall semester. It is our hope that you will connect with us and together we will share information and stories about the importance of English Language and Literature! Keep in mind we have exciting events planned including informative virtual panels with professors, English graduates, and current upper-year students. Likewise, engage with our social media pages for updates on our student mentorship programs for first year students. We will be posting applications in the near future!
We are happy to help you with any questions you may have about the upcoming semesters and we look forward to connecting with you in the coming weeks!
Kelsey Watt and Mitch de Lange
English DSC Co-Chairs
Arts & Science Undergraduate Society