18-19 January 2017

The evolving threat of global terrorism has given rise to complex challenges with both domestic and international dimensions. Trends such as the foreign fighter phenomenon, the rampant spread of extremist ideologies online and within communities, and a dramatic increase in terrorist incidents worldwide, have necessitated a more holistic approach to counter violent extremism and terrorism. The field of countering violent extremism (CVE) and the application of preventative, soft power strategies that address the drivers of radicalization have come to the forefront of efforts to combat these threats.

While existing scholarship features extensive research on the potential of CVE strategies, formal program evaluation methodologies remain lacking, complicating the policy making process in this area and undermining the effectiveness of subsequent initiatives. This project addressed this critical gap by organizing an international, multidisciplinary workshop, entitled ā€œCountering Violent Extremism and Terrorism: Assessing Canadaā€™s Domestic and International Strategiesā€. 

From January 19 to the 20 , 2017 over 40 academics, practitioners, security and intelligence experts, as well as policy makers congregated in the Delta Waterfront Hotel in Kingston, Ontario for the Countering Violent Extremism and Terrorism: Assessing Canadaā€™s Domestic and International Strategies workshop, hosted by the Centre for International and Defence Policy (CIDP), Queenā€™s University. At the event, experts from various sectors, including academia, government, the private sector, and non-governmental organizations (NGOā€™s, think tanks), gathered to critically assess the state of CVE and CT strategies, and helped develop success metrics that can be used by current and future stakeholders of CVE and CT initiatives. Over the course of the two days, participants shared their experiences, challenges, strategies and insight on countering violent extremism in Canada and abroad (please refer to the Appendix for a workshop program).

Workshop Program/Agenda [PDF 829kb]


Special Policy Report:

English [PDF 1.2mb]   French [PDF 1.2mb]



The workshop and research outputs have been presented in partnership with:

CVE partners