Korean DMZ

One Korea – Two Nations

One Korea – Two Nations


Wednesday October 26, 2022
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


Online Webinar over Zoom

One Korea - Two Nations

Since the signing of the Armistice Agreement in 1953, the international community has pursued a range of talks, actions and initiatives aimed at achieving a final peace agreement for Korea. 70 years later a great deal has changed on the Korean peninsula, but the two nations are no closer to achieving an enduring peace. Is this due to the actions of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea), the Republic of Korea (South Korea), China or the USA? Examining the influences of the key players in the Korean Peninsula indicates that a solution is not likely in the near term, and why the Korean Peninsula could serve as a hinge point for a future conflict in the region.




Acton Kilby

Canadian Armed Forces

Colonel Acton Kilby joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 1979 as a Reservist and then entered the Regular Army in 1984 as an Infantry Officer. He is a member of the Royal Canadian Regiment and has served with 3rd Airborne Commando of the Canadian Airborne Regiment. He has commanded from Platoon to Battalion level and was acting Commander 2nd Canadian Mechanised Brigade Group while the Brigade deployed Canada’s last major rotation to Bosnia and Canada’s first ISAF Task Force to Kabul in 2005. 

He served on exchange with the British Army 1999-2002 deploying in support of British Forces in several theatres of operation. In 2007-2008 he deployed to the Democratic Republic of Congo as the Deputy Chief of Staff for the UN Mission in the Congo and subsequently as special advisor to the African Great Lakes Task Force responsible for disarmament and demobilization of Armed Militias. 

He served in the Canadian Army HQ as Director of the Land Staff and as Director Strategic Readiness with Canada’s Strategic Joint Staff. In 2010-2011, he deployed to Afghanistan as Director Stability with 10th (US) Mountain Division where he was responsible for Stability Operations in Regional Command South. 

Col Kilby was the Canadian Defence Attaché to Australia, New Zealand, and Papua New Guinea (2013-16). He was subsequently appointed Director Foreign Liaison for the Canadian Armed Forces, responsible for supporting Canadas Defence Diplomacy program with 138 countries and exercising command of Canada’s Defence Attaches deployed around the world (2016-19). 

In 2019, Col Kilby was selected as Director Senior Appointments responsible for the career management and support for all Senior Appointment Chief Warrant Officers, Colonels, General Officers and Flag Officers of the Canadian Armed Forces. 

In August 2020, Col Kilby was assigned to United Nations Command HQ, South Korea as the Deputy Chief of Staff (DCOS) and has just returned to Canada to commence his transition to post-service life. 

Col Kilby is a graduate of the Royal Military College of Canada, the Land Force Command and Staff College, the Canadian Forces Command and Staff College, and the National Strategic Studies Program. 

He is an avid outdoor sportsman and loves fishing. He is married with three adult children. 

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