Email and Web Addresses
Email address should include the @ symbol and no capital letters.
Web addresses usually do not need the prefix http:// in the displayed text. (It is, however, necessary to include it in the code for hyperlinks.)
In print, drop the www as well (unless it is necessary to resolve the website – always test web addresses and links before publishing).
In online publications, avoid spelling out the web address. Instead, use inline links (embedded within the sentence):
- Watch for updates on the .
The online world and its applications change rapidly; so does the terminology. The list below includes current practice for spelling and capitalization of common terms:
- cyberspace
- desktop
- email (no hyphen)
- homepage
- internet (avoid “the net”)
- listserv
- login (noun or adjective), log in (verb phrase), log into (verb phrase)
- log out, not log off
- online
- Twitter, a tweet, to tweet
- web browser
- web page
- webcam
- website
- wi-fi
- the web
- YouTube
- voicemail