2023 |
30. The matter of police service stations in Canada operated by authorities in the People's Republic of China. Special House of Commons Committee on the Canada-China Relationship. 20 March |
2022 |
29. Leuprecht, C, Skillicorn, DB1, & Bright, D2. (2022). An Empirical Comparison of the Profiles of Security Threat Group Offenders with General Offenders. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 28. Roundtable on Police Governance. Public Order Emergencies Commission Inquiry. 1 Dec 27. Recruitment and Retention in the Canadian Armed Forces. Standing Committee on National Defence. 6 April. 26. Operational Readiness of the Canadian Armed Forces. Standing Committee on Government Operations. 14 February. |
2021 | 25. Canada needs a genuinely federal police force to make good on its firearms mandate. Hill-Times. 1 July. |
2020 |
24. Skillicorn, DB1, Leuprecht, C and Green A. In Criminology at the Edge: Big Data in Criminology. Eds. Benoit Leclerc and Jesse Cale. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 54-84. 23. Leuprecht, C. The Demographics of Force Generation: Recruitment, Attrition and Retention of Citizen Soldiers. In Canadian Defence Policy in Theory and Practice. Eds. Thomas Juneau, Philippe Lagassé and Srdjan Vucetic. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 181-201. 22. Leuprecht, C. Drawing the Blue Line: Letting police get back to the business of policing by hiring more civilians and contractors. Blue Line: Canada’s Law Enforcement Magazine. September. 21. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Canadian Armed Forces Operations. House of Commons Standing Committee on National Defence. 23 November. 20. Study of Systemic Racism in Police Services in Canada. House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security. 24 July. |
2019 |
19. Skillicorn, DB, Leuprecht, C1 and Green, A. . Special Issue on Illicit Network. SJR = Q1 18. Leuprecht, C. Political Demography of Diversity in the Canadian Armed Forces. In Strengthening the Canadian Forces through Diversity: We stand on guard for thee. Eds. Bessma Momani and Alistair Edgar. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 17. Leuprecht, C. Strategic implications of demographic change for the Canadian Armed Forces. In Canadian defence: theory & policy. Eds. Srdjan Vucetic, Philippe Lagassé and Thomas Juneau. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 16. How to reform police forces to lower costs. New Brunswick Telegraph Journal. December 2019. |
2018 |
15. Should Police have to abstain from cannabis consumption for 28 days? Yes. Toronto Star. 23 October 2018. |
2017 |
14. Leuprecht, C. Ottawa: Macdonald Laurier Institute. September. (Featured in ) |
2015 |
13. Skillicorn, DB1, Leuprecht, C, Stys, Y3 and Gobeil, R3. 2015. Prisoner Radicalization: Structural Differences among Violent Extremists. 16(3): 238-259. SJR = Q1 12. Leuprecht, C. 2015. Coping with Diversity in the Armed Forces: Implications for civil-military relations. In Wie viel Vielfalt benötigen/vertragen die Streitkräfte? Eds. Phil C. Langer and Gerhard Kümmel. Berlin: Miles-Verlag, pp. 61-92. 11. von Hlatky, S1. and Leuprecht, C. On Track. 20(2) Fall: 7-10. 10. Arresting runaway costs in Toronto Police Services, The Toronto Star, 5 February 2015. |
2014 |
9. Kümmel, G2 and Leuprecht, C. 2014. In Handbuch Militärische Berufsethik, Band II. Eds. Thomas Bohrmann, Karl-Heinz Lather and Friedrich Lohmann, pp. 17-40. 8. Leuprecht, C. Policing Costs for Strategic Effect. Public Sector Digest. 7. Leuprecht, C.Ottawa: . 6. Police are pricing themselves out of business, The Sunday Star, 6 April 2014. |
2013 | 5. Economics of Policing/Policing Modernization. House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security. 4 June |
2012 |
4. Leuprecht, C. 2012. . Eds. Gerhard Kümmel and Joseph Soeters. , no. 19. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., pp. 187-205. |
2010 |
3. Szvirczsev Tresch, T2 and Leuprecht, C. 2010. Whom Shall We Send: The Best of the Brightest or the Worst of the Desperate? In . Eds. Szvirczsev Tresch, T and Leuprecht, C. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Press, pp. 1-17. |
2007 | 2. Leuprecht, C. . September 2007: 67-72. |
2005 |
1. Leuprecht, C. 2005. Demographics and Diversity Issues in Canadian Military Participation. In F C Pinch et al., eds. Kingston: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute, pp. 122-145. |