2024 | 29. Toronto Star. 5 March 2024. |
2023 |
28. Hataley, T1, Leuprecht, C and Green, A. Eds. Leuprecht, C, Hataley T. and Brunet-Jailly, E. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press, pp. 98-120. 27. Hataley, T1, Leuprecht, C and Green, A. Eds. Leuprecht, C, Hataley T and Brunet-Jailly, E. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press, pp. 80-97. 26. Leuprecht, C, Hataley T. and Brunet-Jailly, E. Eds. Leuprecht, C, Hataley T. and Brunet-Jailly, E. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press, pp. 197-204. 25​â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹.Leuprecht, C, Hataley T. and Brunet-Jailly, E. Eds. Leuprecht, C, Hataley T. and Brunet-Jailly, E. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press, pp. 1-24. |
2022 |
24. Leuprecht, C., Bradbury, R. Causey, D and Nicol, H. Introduction. Polar Cousins: Comparative Perspectives on Antarctic and Arctic Geostrategic Futures. Calgary: University of Calgary Press. 23. Arctic Sovereignty, Security and Emergency Preparedness of Indigenous Peoples. Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs. 14 June. |
2021 |
22. Leuprecht, C, Hataley, T, Sundberg, K, Cozine, K and Brunet-Jailly, E. Commonwealth and Comparative Politics 59(4): 376-398. SJR = Q2 21. Leuprecht, C, Hataley, T1, Sundberg, K1 and Green, A. Canada Border Services Agency. Eds. Stephanie Carvin, Thomas Juneau and Craig Forcese. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 150-165. 20. Leuprecht, C and Hataley T1. In Behind the Headlines: Borders Security in the Age of COVID-19 69(13) March. 19. Should Canada Leave Nato? No! Saturday Toronto Star. 1 May |
2019 |
18. Leuprecht, C. Canadian Public Administration. Special Issue on Border Security across Canada’s Regions. SJR = Q2 17. Leuprecht, C. The Trump Effect of the New Underground Railroad? Bordering Processes of Irregular Migration into Canada in the Era of Globalization. Geopolitics. SJR = Q1 16. Leuprecht, C and Zade, R. The Canada-US Border Effect: Islamist Extremists in Comparative Perspective. Canadian Journal of Political Science. SJR = Q2 15. Leuprecht, C, Sokolsky, JJ1 and Derow, J. . International Journal. SJR = Q2 14. Leuprecht, C, Green, A, and Sundberg, K1. Canada Border Services Agency. Mapping the Canadian Intelligence Community. Ed. Stephanie Carvin. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 13. Hataley, T1 and Leuprecht, C. Bilateral Coordination of Border Security, Intelligence Sharing, Counter-Terrorism, and Counter-Radicalization. In Canada Among Nations 2017. Eds. Christopher Sands, David Carment, and Inger Weibust. Baskingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 12. Leuprecht, C. Northern Border Integrity. In The North Americn Arctic: New Trends in Regional Security. Eds. Dwayne Menezes and Heather Nicol. London: University College London Press 11. Leuprecht, C. and McNorton, H. Border Security: Ontario. In Ontario: Bordering the Great Lakes and Beyond. Ed. Victor Konrad. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press. 10. NATO’s Fifth Pillars. Globe and Mail, 11 November 2019. |
2018 |
9. Leuprecht C. and Hataley, T1. Forthcoming. Journal of Borderland Studies 33(3). Special Issue on Cooperation among cross-border communities. SJR = Q2 8. Leuprecht, C, Sokolsky, JJ1 Hughes, T and Fisher, K2. Introduction. New York: VS Springer. 7. Leuprecht, C, Sokolsky, JJ1 and Hughes, T. Conclusion. New York: VS Springer. |
2015 | 6. Leuprecht, C. Borders & Security. In Countering Transnational Crime. Eds. William Mendel and Peter McCabe. AFB MacDill, FL: Joint Special Operations University Press, chapter 9, pp. 131-146. |
2014 |
5. Leuprecht, C. 2014. . 20(3): 291-304. Recipient of the Maureen Molot Prize for Best Article. 4. Leuprecht, C and Aulthouse, A. December 2014. 15(3): 57-74. |
2013 |
3. Leuprecht, C, Hataley, T1 and Skillicorn, DB1. 2013. . Special Issue: Applying Social Network Analysis to Terrorism. 5(2): 155-175. SJR = Q1 |
2012 |
2. Skillicorn, DB1, Leuprecht, C and Hataley, T1. 2012. . IEEE Conference on Intelligence and security Informatics: 162-164. 1. Leuprecht, C. 2012. Perspectivas académicas sobre seguridad y defensa en América del Norte. In Ed. Abelardo Rodriguez Sumano. México: Centro de Estudios Superiores Navales, pp. 331-342. |