Canada-US relations: Continental Security and NORAD

2024 29.  Toronto Star. 5 March 2024.

28. Hataley, T1Leuprecht, C and Green, A. Eds. Leuprecht, C, Hataley T. and Brunet-Jailly, E. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press, pp. 98-120. 

27. Hataley, T1Leuprecht, C and Green, A. Eds. Leuprecht, C, Hataley T and Brunet-Jailly, E. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press, pp. 80-97. 

26. Leuprecht, C, Hataley T. and Brunet-Jailly, E. Eds. Leuprecht, C, Hataley T. and Brunet-Jailly, E. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press, pp. 197-204.

25​â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹.Leuprecht, C, Hataley T. and Brunet-Jailly, E. Eds. Leuprecht, C, Hataley T. and Brunet-Jailly, E. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press, pp. 1-24. 


24. Leuprecht, C., Bradbury, R. Causey, D and Nicol, H. Introduction.  Polar Cousins: Comparative Perspectives on Antarctic and Arctic Geostrategic Futures. Calgary: University of Calgary Press. 

23. Arctic Sovereignty, Security and Emergency Preparedness of Indigenous Peoples. Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs. 14 June. 


22. Leuprecht, C, Hataley, T, Sundberg, K, Cozine, K and Brunet-Jailly, E. Commonwealth and Comparative Politics 59(4): 376-398. SJR = Q2 

21. Leuprecht, C, Hataley, T1, Sundberg, K1 and Green, A. Canada Border Services Agency. Eds. Stephanie Carvin, Thomas Juneau and Craig Forcese. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 150-165. 

20. Leuprecht, C and Hataley T1. In Behind the Headlines: Borders Security in the Age of COVID-19 69(13) March. 

19. Should Canada Leave Nato?  No!  Saturday Toronto Star. 1 May 


18. Leuprecht, C. Canadian Public Administration. Special Issue on Border Security across Canada’s Regions. SJR = Q2

17. Leuprecht, C. The Trump Effect of the New Underground Railroad? Bordering Processes of Irregular Migration into Canada in the Era of Globalization. Geopolitics. SJR = Q1

16. Leuprecht, C and Zade, R. The Canada-US Border Effect: Islamist Extremists in Comparative Perspective. Canadian Journal of Political Science. SJR = Q2

15. Leuprecht, C, Sokolsky, JJ1 and Derow, J. . International Journal. SJR = Q2

14. Leuprecht, C, Green, A, and Sundberg, K1. Canada Border Services Agency. Mapping the Canadian Intelligence Community. Ed. Stephanie Carvin. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

13. Hataley, T1 and Leuprecht, C. Bilateral Coordination of Border Security, Intelligence Sharing, Counter-Terrorism, and Counter-Radicalization. In Canada Among Nations 2017. Eds. Christopher Sands, David Carment, and Inger Weibust. Baskingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

12. Leuprecht, C. Northern Border Integrity. In The North Americn Arctic: New Trends in Regional Security. Eds. Dwayne Menezes and Heather Nicol. London: University College London Press

11. Leuprecht, C. and McNorton, HBorder Security: Ontario. In Ontario: Bordering the Great Lakes and Beyond. Ed. Victor Konrad. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.

10. NATO’s Fifth Pillars. Globe and Mail, 11 November 2019. 


9. Leuprecht C. and Hataley, T1. Forthcoming. Journal of Borderland Studies 33(3). Special Issue on Cooperation among cross-border communities. SJR = Q2

8. Leuprecht, C, Sokolsky, JJ1 Hughes, T and Fisher, K2. Introduction. New York: VS Springer.

7. Leuprecht, C, Sokolsky, JJ1 and Hughes, T. Conclusion. New York: VS Springer.

2015 6. Leuprecht, C. Borders & Security. In Countering Transnational Crime. Eds. William Mendel and Peter McCabe. AFB MacDill, FL: Joint Special Operations University Press, chapter 9, pp. 131-146.

5. Leuprecht, C. 2014. .  20(3): 291-304. Recipient of the Maureen Molot Prize for Best Article.

4. Leuprecht, C and Aulthouse, A. December 2014.   15(3): 57-74.


3. Leuprecht, C, Hataley, T1 and Skillicorn, DB1. 2013.  . Special Issue: Applying Social Network Analysis to Terrorism. 5(2): 155-175. SJR = Q1


2. Skillicorn, DB1, Leuprecht, C and Hataley, T1. 2012. . IEEE Conference on Intelligence and security Informatics: 162-164.

1. Leuprecht, C. 2012. Perspectivas académicas sobre seguridad y defensa en América del Norte. In  Ed. Abelardo Rodriguez Sumano. México: Centro de Estudios Superiores Navales, pp. 331-342.