
Lee Fabrigar

Lee Fabrigar, Ph.D.

Research interests: My primary research interests fall within the domain of attitude and persuasion research.

Go to the Fab Lab website

Cynthia Fekken

Cynthia Fekken, Ph.D.

Research Interests: My research has focused on structured personality assessment.

David Hauser

David Hauser, Ph.D.

Research Interests: I study judgment and social cognition, namely how communication guides our inferences, preferences, and reasoning. My work investigates how seemingly innocuous words color evaluations, how metaphors guide understanding of abstract concepts like disease and health, and how common survey methods shape research conclusions.

Jill Jacobson, PhD

Jill Jacobson, Ph.D.

Research Interests: My research primarily falls within the areas of motivated social cognition, particularly the social consequences of depression.

Go to the Motivation and Social Cognition Research Lab website

Li-Jun Ji, Ph.D.

Li-Jun Ji, Ph.D.

Research Interests: I am interested in understanding the relationships between culture and cognition.

Go to the Culture and Cognition Lab website

Tara MacDonald

Tara MacDonald, Ph.D.

Research Interests: I am generally interested in studying situations in which people fail to attend to all of the relevant information in their environment, and the reasons for this neglect.

Go to the Mac Lab website

Sari van Anders

Sari van Anders, Ph.D.

Our research program focuses on social neuroendocrinology, feminist and queer science, sex research, and gender/sex and sexual diversity. Our work provides innovative paradigms, models, and theories for incorporating both evolution and social construction. To do so, we use diverse interdisciplinary methods that include experiments, correlational analyses, longitudinal designs, thematic coding, and more. We see our research as providing ways to do socially situated science that are biologically expansive (not reductionist), biolegible (i.e., to other bioscientists), and informed by lived experiences (critically reflective narratives of the minoritized and marginalized).

Go to the van Anders Lab website