State engineering via multiphoton linear/nonlinear interferometers and matter-quantum light interaction


Monday April 11, 2022
11:30 am - 12:30 pm


STI 201 + Zoom (HYBRID)
Event Category

Polina R. Sharapova
Department of Physics and CeOPP,
Paderborn University,
Warburger Straße 100, D-33098 Paderborn,


Quantum interference is a powerful apparatus in modern quantum optics that can be used for precise time and phase measurements, generating entanglement and testifying a non-locality of entangled systems. At the same time, the multiphoton interference is an essential ingredient for machine learning, quantum neural networks and boson sampling, which are the first steps of future quantum computing.   Nonlinear interferometry gives a new insight into quantum interference. A nonlinear (SU(1,1)) interferometer can be obtained by replacing the beam splitters of the conventional linear interferometer with nonlinear media. Such interferometers are characterised by a phase sensitivity close to the Heisenberg limit and, at the same time, constitute useful tools for light shaping, state engineering and highly correlated states generating. For practical applications and industrial technologies, the realisation of stable and compact circuits is a vital and important problem that can be solved by exploiting integrated platforms. Taking into account the state-of-the-art of rapidly developing integrated technologies, quantum linear and nonlinear interferometers can be realised in a single integrated chip.   The interaction of quantum light with matter leads to new phenomena which cannot be explained by semiclassical approaches. Within such an interaction, the redistribution of the photon statistics among the involved quantum fields, as well as non-trivial steady states of electronic occupations can be observed   This talk will highlight our recent advances in the field of quantum linear and nonlinear interferometers, their integrated designs, the generation of multidimensional entangled states, as well as in the field of matter - quantum light interaction.  

Dr. Sharapova is a candidate for the tenure-track position in theoretical condensed matter physics/optics.

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