Rachel Wortis
Associate Professor-Trent University
Affiliated Adjunct Faculty
Physics, Engineering Physics & Astronomy
Arts & Science
Research Areas
Condensed matter physics is the study of materials and patterns which can be constructed from atoms and molecules, seeking simple ways to express the origins of the diversity of physical properties which emerge from the essential ingredients of electrons, nuclei, and electromagnetic forces. My research program focuses on understanding electronic properties, which are of tremendous technological importance and present fascinating conceptual puzzles.
Much of our current ability to describe the materials we use, such as metals, semiconductors, insulators and superconductors, arises from the fact that in some cases a single type of energy dominates the electronic behavior. However, this is not always the case, and in fact systems in which a delicate balance is achieved between competing interactions are often the most important for applications while also being the most challenging to understand.
Some topics of current interest are the influence of disorder on systems with strong electron-electron interactions and the effect of electron-electron interactions on systems with disorder-induced localization.