IGnite: Research Stories to Inspire Generations


Wednesday March 27, 2024
6:00 pm - 7:45 pm


Kingston Public Library, 130 Johnson St. Kingston, ON. Register Here.
Event Category

Kristine Spekkens
ֱ, RMC

Daryn Lehoux


Event Information:

IGnite is free for all ages! We will have ASL services at this event for individuals who are Deaf and hard of hearing.

Be inspired by stories of discovery from researchers at Queen’s University. Kristine Spekkens and Daryn Lehoux will be telling their stories for a general public audience, well suited for high-school students and curious adults alike. No two scientists do the same research, and this event highlights the incredible diversity of academic interests and scientific talent in Kingston. IGnite hopes to be the spark that inspires you and your family to keep learning, and seek out answers to your own questions.

Kristine and Daryn will give a short presentation about what inspired them to do their research. Each speaker will be joined by a student researcher in their team, with time for questions from our inquisitive audience with priority to questions from our younger participants.

Dr. Kristine Spekkens is a cross-appointed faculty member at Queen’s University and RMC and works with some of the world’s largest and most advanced radio telescopes looking for cosmic gas and clues about the very nature of how galaxies like ours form.

Prof. Daryn Lehoux is head of the Department of Classics and Archeology at Queen’s University and is interested in a wide variety of topics. In anticipation of the upcoming total solar eclipse on April 8th, he will talk about how eclipses throughout history have contributed to humankind’s scientific knowledge.

The evening talks begin at 6:15 pm and are followed by a reception featuring a selection of displays and demos featuring research at Queen’s such as the dark matter experiment NEWS-G, the always popular particle cloud chamber from the McDonald Institute Visitor Centre, and opportunities to connect with the speakers and others who are doing inspiring research at Queen’s.

**Note tickets do not secure a seat during the talks, so please arrive early.**

**Photos will be taken at the event. Please let a member of the McDonald Institute Team know if you would like to not have your photo taken.**

Please contact us at Outreach@McDonaldInstitute.ca regarding accommodation needs or any other questions.

Our Facebook event can be found .

This Event has ended.

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