Recent Publications:
Members of Dignam Group are in bold.
- Paul R. B. Hughes and Marc M. Dignam, Analytic solution to the nonlinear generation of squeezed states in a thermal bath, . ( [quant-ph]).
- Hossein Seifoory and Marc M. Dignam, A general model of the generation and propagation of counterpropagating continuous variable entangled states in lossy waveguides, . ( [quant-ph])
- Colin Vendromin and Marc M. Dignam, Simple way to incorporate loss when modeling multimode-entangled-state generation, . ( [quant-ph]).
- Parvin Navaeipour and Marc M. Dignam, Effects of microscopic scattering on terahertz third harmonic generation in monolayer graphene, . ( [cond-mat.mes-hall])
- Angelika Seidl, Roozbeh Anvari, Marc M. Dignam, Peter Richter, Thomas Seyller, Harald Schneider, Manfred Helm, and Stephan Winnerl, Pump-induced terahertz anisotropy in bilayer graphene, . ( [cond-mat.mes-hall]).
- Roozbeh Anvari, Eugene Zaremba, Marc M. Dignam, The impact of nitrogen doping on the linear and nonlinear terahertz response of graphene, ( [cond-mat.mes-hall]).
- Colin Vendromin and Marc M. Dignam, Continuous-variable entanglement in a two-mode lossy cavity: An analytic solution, ().
- Alex Friedlan and Marc M. Dignam, Valley-polarization in biased bilayer graphene using circularly polarized light, ( [cond-mat.mes-hall]).
- Colin Vendromin and Marc M. Dignam, Optimization of a lossy microring resonator system for the generation of quadrature-squeezed states, ( [physics.optics])
- Hossein Seifoory, Luke G. Helt, J. E. Sipe, Marc M. Dignam, Counterpropagating continuous variable entangled states in lossy coupled-cavity optical waveguides, 100, 033839 (2019) ( [physics.optics])
- Luke G. Helt and Marc M. Dignam, The effect of microscopic scattering on the nonlinear transmission of terahertz fields through monolayer graphene, ( [cond-mat.mes-hall])
- Parvin Navaeipour and Marc M. Dignam, Optimized nonlinear terahertz response of graphene in a parallel-plate waveguide, .
- Hossein Seifoory and Marc M. Dignam, Squeezed-state evolution and entanglement in lossy coupled-resonator optical waveguides, .
- Parvin Navaeipour, Ibraheem Al-Naib, and Marc M. Dignam, Third harmonic terahertz generation from graphene in a parallel-plate waveguide, . ( [] )
- Riley McGouran and Marc M. Dignam, Nonlinear response of biased bilayer graphene at Terahertz Frequencies, .
- Hossein Seifoory, Sean Doutre, Marc M. Dignam and J.E. Sipe, Squeezed thermal states: The result of parametric down conversion in lossy cavities, (Editor’s Pick).
- A. Hafez, X. Chai, Y. Sekine, M. Takamura, K. Oguri, I. Al-Naib, M. M. Dignam, H. Hibino and T. Ozaki, Effects of environmental conditions on the ultrafast carrier dynamics in graphene revealed by terahertz spectroscopy, .
- M. Kamandar Dezfouli and M. M. Dignam, Photon pair-generation in lossy coupled-resonator optical waveguides via spontaneous four-wave mixing, .
- Riley McGouran, Ibraheem Al-Naib, Marc M. Dignam, Nonlinear response of bilayer graphene at terahertz frequencies, . ( ) [cond-mat.mes-hall]).
- Hassan Hafez, Pierre Lévesque, Ibraheem Al-Naib, Marc M. Dignam, Xin Chai, Saman Choubak, Patrick Desjardins, Richard Martel, and Tsuneyuki Ozaki, Intense terahertz field effects on photoexcited carrier dynamics in gated graphene, .
- HadiRazavipour, Wayne Yang, AbdeladimGuermoune, Michael Hilke, David G. Cooke, Ibraheem Al-Naib, Marc M. Dignam, Francois Blanchard, Hassan A. Hafez, Xin Chai, Denis Ferachou, Tsuneyuki Ozaki, Pierre Levesque and Richard Martel, High field response of gated graphene at THz frequencies, .
- Ibraheem Al-Naib, J. E. Sipe and Marc M. Dignam, Nonperturbative model of harmonic generation in undoped graphene in the terahertz regime, .
- Ibraheem Al-Naib, Max Poschmann and Marc M. Dignam, Optimizing third harmonic generation at terahertz frequencies in graphene, .
- H. Hafez, I. Al-Naib, M. M. Dignam, Y. Sekine, K. Oguri, F. Blanchard, D. Cooke, S. Tanaka, F. Komori, H. Hibino, T. Ozaki,Nonlinear terahertz field-induced carrier dynamics in photoexcited epitaxial monolayer graphene, ) (Editor’s Suggestion).
- I. Al-Naib, Y. Yang, M. M. Dignam, W. Zhang, R. Singh, Ultra-high Q even eigenmode resonance in THz metamaterials, .
Selected Publications (2004-2014)
- Ibraheem Al-Naib, J. E. Sipe and Marc M. Dignam, High harmonic generation in undoped graphene: Interplay of inter- and intraband dynamics, .
- H. A. Hafez, I. Al-Naib, K. Oguri, Y. Sekine, M. M. Dignam, A. Ibrahim, D. G. Cooke, S. Tanaka, F. Komori, H. Hibino, and T. Ozaki, Nonlinear transmission of an intense terahertz field through monolayer graphene, .
- M. Kamandar Dezfouli, M. M. Dignam, M. J. Steel and J.E. Sipe, Heisenberg treatment of pair generation in lossy coupled-cavity systems, .
- Mohsen Kamandar Dezfouli and Marc M. Dignam, Large Mode-Volume, Large Beta, Photonic Crystal Laser Resonator, .
- Xiaoli Lei, Dawei Wang, Zhaoxin Wu and M. M. Dignam, Optimizing biased semiconductor superlattices for terahertz amplification, .
- D. G. Cooke, P. Uhd Jepsen, Jun Yan Lek, Yeng Ming Lam, F. Sy and M. M. Dignam, Picosecond Dynamics of Internal Exciton Transitions in CdSe Nanorods, (Rapid Communications).
- Ibraheem Al-Naib, Gargi Sharma, Marc M. Dignam, Hassan Hafez, Akram Ibrahim, David G. Cooke, Tsuneyuki Ozaki, and Roberto Morandotti, Effect of Local Field-Enhancement on the Nonlinear Terahertz Response of a Silicon-based Metamaterial, .
- A. M. Parks, M. M. Dignam, and D. Wang, Excitonic Analysis of Many-Body Effects on the 1s-2p Intraband Transition in Semiconductor Systems, .
- A. Joushaghani, R. Iyer, J. K. S. Poon, J. Stewart Aitchison, C. M. de Sterke, J. Wan and M. M. Dignam, Generalized Exact Dynamic Localization in Curved Coupled Optical Waveguide Arrays, .
- M. M. Dignam and M. Kamandar Dezfouli, Photon–Quantum-dot Dynamics in Coupled-Cavity Photonic Crystal Slabs, .
- Peijun Yao, A. Reza, C. Van Vlack, M.M. Dignam and S. Hughes, Ultrahigh Purcell Factors in Slow-Light Metamaterial Waveguides, (Editor’s Suggestion).
- A. Joushaghani, R. Iyer, J.K.S. Poon, J.S. Aitchison, C.M. de Sterke, J. Wan and M.M. Dignam, Quasi-Bloch Oscillations in Curved Coupled Optical Waveguides, .
- Dawei Wang and Marc M. Dignam, Excitonic Approach to the Ultrafast Optical Response of Semiconductor Quantum Wells,.
- A. Reza, M. M. Dignam and S. Hughes, Can Light be Stopped in Realistic Metamaterials?, .
- D. P. Fussell, S. Hughes and M. M. Dignam, The Influence of Fabrication Disorder on the Optical Properties of Coupled-Cavity Photonic Crystal Waveguides, .
- A. Lisauskas, M.M. Dignam, N.V. Demarina, Ernst Mohler, and H. Roskos, Examining the Terahertz Signal from a PhotoexcitedBiased Semiconductor Superlattice for Evidence of Gain, .
- D. P. Fussell and M. M. Dignam, Quasimode-Projection Approach to Quantum–Dot–Photon Interactions in Photonic Crystal Slab Coupled-Cavity Systems, .
- Dawei Wang, Aizhen Zhang, Lijun Yang, and M. M. Dignam, Tunable Terahertz Amplification Using Excitonic States in Optically-Excited Biased Semiconductor Superlattices, .
- David P. Fussell and Marc M. Dignam, Quantum-Dot-Photon Dynamics in a Coupled-Cavity Waveguide: Observing BandedgeQuantum Optics, .
- Dawei Wang, Margaret Hawton and Marc M. Dignam, Excitonic Approach to the Ultrafast Optical Response of Semiconductors, .
- D. P. Fussell and M. M. Dignam, Spontaneous Emission in Coupled Microcavity-Waveguide Structures at the Band Edge, .
- David P. Fussell and Marc M. Dignam, Engineering the Quality Factors of Coupled-Cavity Modes in Photonic Crystal Slabs, .
- R. Iyer, J. S. Aitchison, J. Wan, M. M. Dignam and C. M. de Sterke, Exact Dynamic Localization in Curved AlGaAs Optical Waveguide Arrays, .
- D. P. Fussell, M. M. Dignam, M. J. Steel, C. Martijn de Sterke, and R. C. McPhedran, Spontaneous Emission and Photon Dynamics in Dielectric Microcavities, .
- M. M. Dignam, D. P. Fussell, M. J. Steel, R. C. McPhedran, and C. M. de Sterke, Spontaneous Emission Suppression via Quantum Path Interference in Coupled Microcavities, .
- Lijun Yang and M. M. Dignam, Nonlinear Ultrafast Optical Absorption and Pump-Probe Spectroscopy in Biased Semiconductor Superlattices, .
- Lijun Yang and M. M. Dignam, Self-generated Bloch Oscillations in Biased Semiconductor Superlattices, .
- Lijun Yang, Ben Rosam, and M. M. Dignam, Density-Dependent THz Emission in Biased Semiconductor Superlattices: from Bloch Oscillations to Plasma Oscillations, .
- R. Fanciulli, A. M. Weiner, M. M. Dignam, D. Meinhold, and K. Leo, Coherent Control of Bloch Oscillations by Means of Optical Pulse Shaping, .
- Aizhen Zhang, Dawei Wang, and M. M. Dignam, Terahertz Gain in Optically-excited Biased Semiconductor Superlattices, .
- J. Wan, M. Laforest, C. M. de Sterke, and M. M. Dignam, Optical Filters Based on Dynamic Localization in Curved Coupled Optical Waveguides, .
- M. M. Dignam, M. Hawton, L. Yang, and B. Rosam, The Interplay of Intraband and Interband Polarization in Biased Semiconductor Superlattices, .
- Ben Rosam, Lijun Yang, Karl Leo, and M. M. Dignam, Terahertz Generation by Difference Frequency Mixing of Excitonic Wannier-Stark Ladder States in Biased Semiconductor Superlattices, .
- J. Wan, C. Martijn de Sterke, and M. M. Dignam, Dynamic Localization and Quasi-Bloch Oscillations in General Periodic ac-dc Electric Fields, .
- Lijun Yang, Ben Rosam, Jean-Marc Lachaine, Karl Leo, and M. M. Dignam, Intraband Polarization and THz Emission in Biased Semiconductor Superlattices with Full Excitonic Basis, .
- Aizhen Zhang and M. M. Dignam, Intraband Versus Interband Decoherence Times in Biased Semiconductor Superlattices, .
- J. Wan, P. Domachuk, M. M. Dignam, and C. Martijn de Sterke, Electron dynamics and dynamic localization in asymmetric periodic potentials, .