Exchange Programs

¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ has exchange agreements with 220 universities in 50+ countries.

Some of these exchanges are faculty-specific, while others include multiple faculties under one agreement.

Note: Are you a student at one of our partner universities? if your institution has an exchange agreement with ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, please consult your home university study-abroad office for information about application procedures.

Identity Abroad

Our Faculty International Offices have worked together to compile resources that explore questions and considerations you may have about identity and mental health as you consider or embark on an exchange.

Resources and Considerations

Student Safety

¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ students studying abroad complete an Off Campus Activity Safety Policy (OCASP) record to ensure off-campus activities are conducted in a safe and diligent manner.

Learn more about OCASP

Decolonizing Global Engagement

This new module is designed for all students partaking in a global engagement opportunity. Produced with support from the Government of Canada's Outbound Student Mobility Pilot Program.

Take the course now

RUG Project

Learn about the Reaching Underrepresented Groups (RUG) project that explores barriers in ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ exchange programs due to social location.

RUG Project

¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Exchange Partner Database

Country Institution Faculty
Argentina Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Australia Arts and Science / Smith Engineering
Australia Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Graduate Studies
Australia Arts and Science
Australia, Malaysia Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Smith Commerce
Australia Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Australia Smith Engineering
Australia Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Law / Smith Commerce
Australia Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Law / Graduate Studies / Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Australia Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Smith Commerce
Australia Arts and Science / Law / Graduate Studies / Smith Commerce
Australia Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Health Science / Law / Graduate Studies / Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Austria Smith Commerce
Austria Arts and Science
Austria Arts and Science / Graduate Studies
Austria Graduate Studies
Austria Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Barbados Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Law / Smith Commerce
Belgium Smith Commerce
Belgium Smith Commerce
Belgium Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Belgium Smith Commerce
Brazil Smith Commerce
Brazil Health Science / Graduate Studies
Chile Smith Commerce
Chile Arts and Science / Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
China Smith Graduate
China Smith Graduate
China Arts and Science
China Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Law / Graduate Studies / Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
China Education
China Smith Engineering
China Arts and Science / Smith Engineering
China Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
China Arts and Science / Smith Commerce
China Arts and Science
China Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
China Education
China Arts and Science / Smith Engineering
China Smith Commerce
China Arts and Science / Smith Engineering Science / Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
China Arts and Science / Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
China Arts and Science / Smith Engineering
China Arts and Science
China Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Colombia Smith Commerce
Costa Rica Smith Graduate
Costa Rica Smith Commerce
Czech Republic Arts and Science / Graduate Studies
Czech Republic Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Denmark Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Denmark Arts and Science
Denmark Smith Commerce
Egypt Arts and Science / Graduate Studies / Law / Smith School of Business
Estonia Smith Commerce
Finland Smith Commerce
Finland Smith Commerce
Finland Arts and Science
France Smith Commerce
France Arts and Science
France Smith Commerce
France Smith Commerce
France Smith Graduate
France Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
France Smith Commerce
France Smith Commerce
France Smith Commerce
France Arts and Science / Smith Commerce
France Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
France Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
France Smith Commerce
France Arts and Science / Law / Graduate Studies
France Smith Commerce
France Smith Commerce
France Arts and Science
France Smith Commerce
France Arts and Science
France Arts and Science / Law
France Law / Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
France Arts and Science
France Arts and Science
Germany Smith Commerce
Germany Law / Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Germany Smith Graduate
Germany Arts and Science
Germany Smith Graduate
Germany Arts and Science
Germany Arts and Science
Germany Graduate Studies
Germany Arts and Science / Law / Graduate Studies
Germany Arts and Science
Germany Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Germany Arts and Science
Germany Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Germany Graduate Studies
Germany Graduate Studies
Germany Arts and Science / Graduate Studies
Germany Graduate Studies / Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Ghana Graduate Studies
Hong Kong Arts and Science / Smith Commerce
Hong Kong Smith Engineering / Smith Commerce
Hong Kong Arts and Science
Hong Kong Smith Commerce
Hong Kong Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Law / Smith Commerce
Hungary Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
India Smith Graduate
India Law
Indonesia Arts and Science / Smith Engineering
Ireland Smith Commerce
Ireland Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Smith Commerce
Ireland Law / Smith Commerce
Ireland Arts and Science
Israel, West Bank and the Gaza Strip Arts and Science / Graduate Studies
Israel, West Bank and the Gaza Strip Law
Italy Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Italy Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Italy Arts and Science
Jamaica Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Law / Smith Commerce
Japan Arts and Science / Smith Commerce
Japan Arts and Science
Japan Smith Engineering / Law / Graduate Studies
Japan Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Japan Graduate Studies
Japan Graduate Studies
Japan Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Japan Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Law / Smith Commerce
Jordan Graduate Studies
Mexico Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Mexico Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Graduate Studies / Smith Commerce
Mexico Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Morocco Arts and Science
Netherlands Smith Commerce
Netherlands Arts and Science
Netherlands Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Netherlands Smith Commerce
Netherlands Arts and Science
Netherlands Arts and Science
Netherlands Arts and Science / Graduate Studies
Netherlands Arts and Science / Law / Graduate Studies
New Zealand Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Smith Commerce
New Zealand Arts and Science / Smith Engineering
New Zealand Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Graduate Studies / Smith Commerce
New Zealand Arts and Science / Law
Nigeria Smith Graduate
Norway Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Norway Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Norway Education
Norway Education / Arts and Science
Peru Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Poland Smith Commerce
Poland Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Portugal Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Portugal Smith Commerce
Singapore Education / Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Health Science / Smith Commerce
Singapore Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Law / Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Singapore Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Slovenia Smith Commerce
South Africa Law / Graduate Studies
South Africa Graduate Studies / Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
South Korea Arts and Science / Smith Commerce
South Korea Law / Smith Commerce
South Korea Smith Commerce
Spain Law / Smith Commerce
Spain Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Spain Smith Commerce
Spain Arts and Science
Spain Arts and Science
Spain Arts and Science / Smith Commerce
Spain Arts and Science
Sweden Education
Sweden Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Law / Graduate Studies / Smith Commerce
Sweden Arts and Science
Sweden Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Sweden Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Sweden Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Law / Graduate Studies / Smith Commerce
Switzerland Education
Switzerland Education
Switzerland Arts and Science
Switzerland Arts and Science
Switzerland Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Switzerland Smith Commerce
Taiwan Arts and Science
Taiwan Arts and Science / Smith Commerce
Taiwan Smith Commerce
Taiwan Arts and Science / Smith Commerce
Taiwan Arts and Science / Smith Engineering
Thailand Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
Thailand Smith Commerce
Trinidad and Tobago Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Law / Smith Commerce
Turkey Education
Turkey Arts and Science / Smith Engineering
Turkey Arts and Science
Turkey Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Law / Graduate Studies / Smith Commerce
Turkey Smith Commerce
United Kingdom Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
United Kingdom Arts and Science / Smith Engineering
United Kingdom Arts and Science / Smith Commerce
United Kingdom Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Law / Graduate Studies / Smith Commerce
United Kingdom Smith Graduate
United Kingdom Smith Graduate
United Kingdom Arts and Science
United Kingdom Arts and Science
United Kingdom Graduate Studies / Smith Commerce / Smith Graduate
United Kingdom Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Smith Commerce
United Kingdom Arts and Science / Smith Engineering
United Kingdom Smith Engineering / Law / Smith Commerce
United Kingdom Arts and Science / Law
United Kingdom Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Law / Smith Commerce
United Kingdom Arts and Science
United Kingdom Arts and Science
United Kingdom Arts and Science / Smith Commerce
United Kingdom Smith Commerce
United Kingdom Arts and Science / Smith Engineering
United Kingdom Arts and Science / Smith Engineering
United Kingdom Arts and Science
United Kingdom Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Smith Commerce
United Kingdom Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Law / Smith Commerce
United States of America Graduate Studies
United States of America Arts and Science / Smith Engineering
Uruguay Smith Commerce
Vietnam Arts and Science / Smith Engineering / Smith Commerce
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8th in the world  
4th year in the top 10  
2024 Times Higher Education Impact Rankings