![[illustration by Portia Chapman representing humility]](/indigenous/sites/oiiwww/files/2021-01/Humility.jpg)
"Indigenous Ways of Knowing" is a useful term that recognizes the beautiful complexity and diversity of Indigenous ways of learning and teaching. Many people continue to generalize Indigenous experience and lived realities. The intent of the phrase "Indigenous Ways of Knowing" is to help educate people about the vast variety of knowledge that exists across diverse Indigenous communities. It also signals that, as Indigenous Peoples, we don't just learn from human interaction and relationships. All elements of creation can teach us, from the plant and animal nations, to the "objects" that many people consider to be inanimate.
So, our Indigenous ways of knowing are incredibly sophisticated and complex. These ways relate to specific ecology in countless locations, so the practices, languages and protocols of one Indigenous community may look very different from another. Yet, Indigenous ways of knowing are commonly steeped in a deep respect for the land, and the necessity of a reciprocal relationship with the land.
As Indigenous Peoples, we believe that our actions today have an impact on the next seven generations. We need to be mindful of how we walk on our Mother, the Earth and treat all living beings with respect. When we offer respect, we can move forward together.
At Queen’s University, we aim to ensure that all students, staff and faculty are supported and provided with adequate tools and resources to ensure a holistic learning experience. We strive to incorporate Indigenous ways of knowing throughout the university. One way that the Office of Indigenous Initiatives provides this is by offering Indigenous Cultural Services.
Nishinaabe Ezhi-gkendaaasad
We’eni kidiimgad maanda sa “Nishinaabe ezhi-gkendaasad” nestawaamdang sa wi e-maawnji-gnaajwang miinwaa sa e-maawnji-mno-kinoomaagemgak Nishnaabe e-zhi-gkinoomaagzid miinwaa go ezhi-gkinoomaaged. Niibna bemaadzijig aanike gnowaabmaa’aan nishnaaben ezhi-bimaadzinid. Maanda dash Nishinaabe ezhi-gkendaasad kidang inendaagwad wii-gkinoomaagaazwaad bemaadzijig wi sa nishnaabeg ezhi-baatiintowaad gkendaaswin e-yaamgag mziwe nishnaabeking. Etigo ge’e zhinoomaagemgad, Nishnaabeg, gaa-go eta gkenziinaanh gwiiji-bemaadiziinaanh gnoonangid miinwaa wiijgaabwitongid. Kina go eteg manpii king gda-gkinoomaagonaanh, netaawging miinwaa awesiinh king, piish go kina bemaadzijig zhi-gnowaamdamwaad bemaaziimgasnog.
Mii dash, gda-Nishinaabe ezhi-gkendaasying gwetaani-maamiikwendaagwad miinwaa maanenmiimgad. Nondan sa nikeying eyaamang gkendaaswinan nwenmiimgadoon netaawgingin mziwe nikeying, mii dash sa nonda ezhchigeng, e-zhi-giizhweng miinwaa nishnaabe izhichigewin bezhig maanda nishnaabe oodena bkaan daa zhinaagwad. Booch dash wii gwa, Nishnaabe ezhi-gkendaasad aapji go mnaadendaanaa’aa aki, miinwaa go e-zhi-wiiji-debnamwaad de’aabshkoo inawendiwin.
E-zhi-nishnaabewiying dash, gdebwe’endmami sa ezhchigeying nongwa da-ni-aabdad niigaan nikeying niizhwaaswi aanike bimaadziwinaning. Aabdeg gwii- naanaagdawendaanaanh ezhi-bmosaadmang aki, Ggashnaanh, miinwaa wii-mnaadenmaanaanh kina gwaya bemaadzid. Pii mnaadenmangid gwaya, gka-ni-niigaaniimi.
Manpii Gimaakwe Shpi-kinoomaagewigamigong, nwiigojitoonaanh kina eknoomaagzijig, enkiitaagejig miinwaa eknoomaagejig aasgaabwitaagaazwaad miinwaa miingaazwaad kina gegoo waa-aabjitowaad we’eni wii-kinoomaagewaad. Ngichi-wiikjitoonaanh wii-dgonmaang Nishnaabe ezhi-gkendaasad kina ngoji manpii shpikinoomaagewigamgong. Nishnaabe-aadziwin dgosdoonaa’aa sa gonda Nishnaabe Bezhigo-onendamowin Nokiitaage Aachkinigan dakiitaagewiniwaang.
Onkwehonwehnéha tsi ní:yoht tsi Ayakotó:kenhse
“Onkwehonwehnéha tsi ní:yoht tsi Yakoteryèn:tare” é:so kéntons ne kayén:tere’s tsi niyó:re tsi nya’té:kon tsi nityotyerá:ton tsi ní:yoht ne Onkwehonwehnéha tsi ahonteweyénhste tóka’ ni’ ashakotirihónnyen’. Yakentyohkowá:nen ne onkwe’shón:’a yeyontahsónterens énska akwé:kon tsi nitehshakotí:te ne Onkwehón:we tsi ki’ ní:yoht tsi ronatkáthon. Ki tsi nahò:ten yonkwana’tónhkwen “Onkwehonwehnéha tsi ní:yoht tsi Yakoteryèn:tare” nè:ne ayakoyé:nawa’se ne onkwe’shón:’a ayako’nikonhrayèn:ta’ne tsi ní:yore tsi é:so tsi nahò:ten ratirihwayenté:ris tsi nonwéshon kanakerahseraké:ron ne Onkwehón:we yenakerényon. Ne ó:ni wathró:ris ki, Yatyokwehónwe, yah ne khok ne skátne ne akohrénshon ne thénon ayakwaweyentéhta’ne. Akwékon se’ nahò:ten káhson ne tsi yohontsyá:te thé:non yonkwarihonnyén:ni, kayenthó:sera kontí:ryo, tánon oyáshon nahò:ten ne yakentyohkowá:nen rón:nehre yah se’ teyónhnhe.
Ne káti’ ne Onkwehonwehnéha tsi ní:yoht tsi ayakoteryèn:tarake kwah í:ken tsi é:so tsi ronateryén;tare thénon ne wentó:re ne akó:ren ayako’nikonhrayèn:ta’ne. Kí tsi nahò:ten nè:ne thé:non ne tóka’ kayenthósera yónhnhe tsi nonwéshon, ne káti’ aorì:wa, tsi nihatiweyenó:ten, nihonrokha’tsheró:ten tánon nahò:ten ne raotiyanerénhsera akwé:kon ne tsi nón:we Onkwehón:we rati’terón:ton tekonttihá:nyon. Nek tsi ratikwé:kon ne Onkwehón:we ratirihwakwenyénstha ne óhontsya tánon tsi kari’wanóntha ne tsi tehatí:neren ne óhontsya tsi ronónhnhe.
Tsi yá:we Yatyokwehón:we tyonkwehtáhkwen ne tsi nenyakwá:yere ón:wa wenhniseratényon ne ki’ enhónttoke ne tsyá:ta’ na’teyotere’será:ne tahatikonhsotóntye, wentá:on entewaten’nikón:raren tsi ní:yoht tsi entewahtén:ti’ ne Yethi’nihsténha, tánon yethirihwakwé:nyenhst akwé:kon nahò:ten ne konónnhe. Nó:nen entitewátka’we’, kakwenyenhstáhtshera, ó:ni ki’ enwá:ton’ akwé:kon skátne yentewahtén:ti’.
Ne Queen’s University, ne ya’teyakwaká:nere orihwí:yo aón:ton’ akwé:kon ne ronteweyénhstha, rotiyo’tényon tánon ne shakotirihonnyén:ni enthonwén:non nahò:ten kari’wanóntha áhontste orihwí:yo ahonnón:ni akwé:kon ya’tenkayéston tsi ní:yoht tsi enhonteweyénhste. Yonkwahskéhnhen ya’tayakwá:yeste’ ne Onkwehonwehnéha tsi ní:yoht tsi ayonkwateryèn:tarake kwah tsi’k nón:we ne University. Énska tsi ní:yoht ne tsi yehyatónhkhwa ne Onkwehón:we ayoyá:neren’ne ká:tats ne Onkwehón:we tsi nihotirihò:ten Yakoyenawá:se.