Please join us for an upcoming seminar hosted by the Department of History's Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigeneity Committee featuring Dr. Molly Ladd-Taylor (York University) in celebration of International Women's Day. This seminar is titled "The Sexual Revolution and the Forever Child: Sterilization and Intellectual Disability in the 1970s."
Molly Ladd-Taylor is a professor of history at York University and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. Her research focuses on the role that intimate matters, such as reproduction and sexuality, have played in the political history of the United States. Publications include Fixing the Poor: Eugenic Sterilization and Child Welfare (2017), a co-edited anthology on ‘Bad’ Mothers: the Politics of Blame in 20th Century America (1998), and Mother-Work: Women, Child Welfare and the State, 1890-1930 (1994).