The field activities in the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering are an integral part of our programs. Field trips for one or two days, and one to two week Field Schools provide excellent learning opportunities that prepare our students for their future careers. Most students participate in over 240 hours of field education in our programs. This is made financially possible by the contributions to the Geological Field Studies Fund.
Named Field Studies Funds
Margaret Green BA'30 established this fund in memory of her husband, Charles Green BSc (Eng)'31. This named fund sponsors student field programs in mineral-deposit geology and hard-rock geology. |
BSc'47, MSc'49. Dr. Hriskevich is credited with starting some of Canada's richest exploration plays by astutely refining the accumulated knowledge of Devonian formations to unlock the Middle Devonian Reef at Rainbow Lake, Alberta. |
B.Sc.(Eng.) 1948. Dr. Stuart E. Jenness spent his professional career as a geologist and scientific editor for the Geological Survey of Canada in Ottawa and later in the National Research Council of Canada. He has since then published three books of his own. |
MacMillian is noted for the discovery of the Hallnor deposit as part of the second wave of the PorcupineGold Rush. MacMillian was also responsible for the development of the Canadian Arrow open pit gold deposit and was the first woman president of the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada. |
Dr. Nichol was a professor at Queen鈥檚 as well as an honorary member of the Association of Applied Geochemists (AAG).This named fund aims to enhance the applied- and exploration-geochemistry teaching programs in the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering, as well as to facilitate the undertaking of relevant field visits and orientation surveys. |
BSc (Geol. Eng) '10. Paddon Thompson graduated from Geological Engineering at Queen鈥檚 University in 2010. He was a wonderful member of his class, possessing a permanent smile, a wonderful sense of humour, and a positive outlook on life. He was a beloved classmate, and is remembered very fondly by staff and faculty in the department. When asked to speak about his experiences at Queen鈥檚 at a departmental reunion in Calgary in September, 2011, Paddon spoke passionately about his degree, emphasizing the importance of field studies in his education. Sadly, Paddon passed away suddenly on February 7th, 2012. As per the wish of his family and friends, a memorial fund has been established in his name at Queen鈥檚: The 鈥淧addon Thompson Memorial Geological Field Studies Fund鈥. Donations will be used to support undergraduate students attending field schools offered by Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering, by helping to defer their costs. In spite of Paddon鈥檚 recognition of the high quality and impact of his Field Studies Education, he was concerned that the Field schools present a fairly substantial extra cost to GEO students 鈥 both in terms of lost time at summer employment, and in terms of the transportation and accommodation costs borne by the students. |
Shell Canada Funding
Shell Canada is providing corporate sponsorship for two of the sedimentary geology field trips:
- Fall Sedimentary Geology Field Trip
- Bermuda Carbonates Field Trip
The field activities in the department are an integral part of our program. Field trips for one or two days, and one to two week Field Schools provide excellent learning opportunities.
A list of these courses is as follows;
- GEOE/GEOL 221 Geological Field Methods
- GEOE/GEOL 300 Geological Field School
- GEOE/GEOL 301 Field Studies in Geology 1
- GEOE/GEOL 319 Applied Geophysics
- GEOE/GEOL 321 Analysis of Rock Structures
- GEOE/GEOL 337 Paleontology
- GEOE/GEOL 368 Carbonate Sedimentology
- GEOE/GEOL 343 Hydrogeology
- GEOE/GEOL 401 FIeld Studies in Geology II
- GEOE/GEOL 410 Applied Geological Engineering Field School
- GEOE/GEOL 419 Geophysics Field School
- GEOE/GEOL 465 Exploration Geochemistry
- GEOE/GEOL 485 Environmental Aqueous Geochemistry
- GEOE/GEOL 478 Terrigeneous Clastic Sedimentology
- GEOE 446 Engineering Design Project I
- GEOE/GEOL 447 Engineering Design Project II
- Fall Field Trip
- Bermuda Field Seminar