Supporting career building in Student Affairs

Supporting career building in Student Affairs

Inaugural Careers in Student Affairs at Queen’s offers opportunity to network with staff members and learn more about the portfolio.

By Communications Staff

December 2, 2019


Student Affairs recently hosted its inaugural ‘Careers in Student Affairs at Queen’s’ event, attracting more than 70 staff and students. (Provided photo)

Student Affairs encompasses a vast array of units and services that help to engage students, support their unique needs and well-being, and help them prepare for future success. In order to provide these services, a wide range of roles and skill sets are required.

Recently, Student Affairs hosted its inaugural ‘Careers in Student Affairs at Queen’s’ event, to support current staff development and stimulate new recruitment. The event attracted over 70 staff and students, who spent the afternoon learning more about the portfolio and networking with current staff members.

“Student Affairs offers a wide range of career opportunities in a variety of fields,” says Ann Tierney, Vice Provost and Dean, Student Affairs. “We have a great team and are focused on providing professional development activities, such as this pilot event, to help staff see how they can build their careers and competencies. We’re also keen to support the next generation of Student Affairs professionals and are thrilled with the number of students who attended.”

Participants had the chance to hear from staff who discussed their career journeys in Student Affairs. Other topics included the benefits of collaborating across units, and the impact of participating in the recent Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace Staff Team Learning Program, a pilot project that was developed by the Human Rights and Equity Office.

The event also reinforced the usefulness of the CACUSS (Canadian Association of College and University Student Services) Competency Framework – a set of competencies required for effectiveness in Student Affairs roles.

“It was interesting to learn about Student Affairs and how much work goes into promoting a positive student experience, from housing to athletics, to student wellness and much more,” says Rachel Purdy (Artsci’21). “I especially enjoyed the panel discussions surrounding diverse experiences, and the ways Student Affairs is working to foster a more inclusive working environment.”