Students meet with Premier and Kingston MPP

Students meet with Premier and Kingston MPP

August 14, 2014


Queen’s students Liz Boag (second from left) and Taylor Jennings (third from left) met with Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne (left) and Kingston and the Islands MPP Sophie Kiwala at Queen’s Park on Aug. 13. The students stopped by to congratulate Premier Wynne (Artsci’77) on her recent election victory, and present her and MPP Kiwala with some Queen’s clothing. Ms. Boag (Artsci’15) is a member of the women’s basketball team, while Ms. Jennings (Artsci’15) is the president of the Queen’s Student Alumni Association. During their visit, the students chatted with Premier Wynne and MPP Kiwala about their experiences at Queen’s and in Kingston. 



Arts and Science