Exam supports and resources available for students

Student resources

Exam supports and resources available for students

April 4, 2023


Students at Queen’s are currently busy finishing end-of-term assignments and preparing for the exam period (April 14-28).

Faculty and staff can share the following academic supports and resources available for all students to help them manage their studies and wellbeing.

Academic Supports

  • Students can request  for exam preparation and essay writing with appointments at Student Academic Success Services (SASS). 
  • Students who need to miss a class, exam, or academic requirement due to illness or other extenuating circumstances, can submit a request for through their .

Exam Logistics

  •  are posted in SOLUS.
  • Student cards required at all exams. If you don't have yours, .
  • FAQs on .
  • Students with  were emailed details in March. Check email junk folders.
  • Students unable to write an exam due to a disability can .
  • Can't attend your accommodated exam? Email the Exams Office and your instructor at least 24 hours before the exam starts. 

Wellbeing Events and Resources

  • Get  and  management tips from SWS and SASS.
  • , the St. John's Ambulance therapy dog. Visit Oscar in Mitchell Hall, Noon-1 p.m., April 6 and 13.
  • Drop by Faith and Spiritual Life for . Monday-Friday, April 14-27, 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m., Mitchell 210.
  • Find  across campus, including a .
  • Stay active at .
  • Watch for exam care packages for Indigenous students. Connect with Four Directions Indigenous Student Centre for .
  • Need to talk? The (PSC) runs in-person and online drop-in sessions, including and .
  • Access and , including .

Study Spaces

In addition to , check out these study spots:

  • Join the  for quiet study time, snacks, and beverages. Monday–Friday, April 11-28, 11 a.m.–3 p.m., LaSalle 224.
  •  (QUIC), Mitchell 208. Drop-in study space, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
  • The Yellow House is hosting  for QTBIPoC students.
  • Indigenous students can at Four Directions.
  • Drop by for , on April 13, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • The  (ATC), Stauffer Library, first floor. Lab space for independent work and  for students registered with . Computers, assistive devices, and specialized software are available.
  • Mature women students can drop in to , Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., for quiet study space and a free hot lunch.
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