Available Experts: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announces he will be stepping down

Available Experts: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announces he will be stepping down

January 7, 2025


The Liberal Party of Canada is at an important crossroads following Monday’s announcement by Justin Trudeau that he will be stepping down as Prime Minister and as leader of the party.

Political experts Kathy Brock, Eugene Lang, and Dax D'Orazio are available to speak on such important questions as: 

  • What led Prime Minister Trudeau to make this decision?
  • Who are his most likely successors?
  • How does this change the political landscape ahead of the next federal election?
  • How will this affect Canada’s relationships with its strategic partners, in particular the United States?
  • Why did the prime minister opt to prorogue Parliament until March 24?

And much more.

To arrange an interview, please contact the Queen’s media team via email at brown.julie@queensu.ca; andrew.caroll@queensu.ca or mediarelations@queensu.ca.