Staff receive certificates at HR ceremony

Staff receive certificates at HR ceremony

July 2, 2013


Basia Palmer (left), a research coordinator in the School of Computing, received three certificates at the recent HR ceremony. Presenting the certificates were Julie Mekarski (middle), Director, Client Services, HR, and Shannon Hill, Learning and Development Specialist, HR.

A recent ceremony hosted by Human Resources (HR) honoured 42 staff members for their completion of professional development programs. Staff received certificates for several different programs, including the Certificate in International Perspectives and the Certificate in Workplace Communications, as well as two new certificates: From Diversity to Inclusion in the Workplace (a partnership between HR and the Equity and Human Rights Offices) and the Administrative Professionals @ Queen’s Master Certificate.

To date, 333 staff members have received certificates for professional development programs.

The HR certificate programs are coordinated and presented by HR's Julie Mekarski, Director, Client Services; Shannon Hill, Learning and Development Specialist; Lori Stewart, Manager, Organizational Development and Learning; and Mary Elms, Organizational Development Consultant.