SGPS assists students during holidays

SGPS assists students during holidays

December 10, 2012


The holidays are an exciting time of year, but for many Queen’s students with children, getting through the season isn’t easy. The Society of Graduate and Professional Students (SGPS) is running its Holiday Assistance Campaign to empower students with dependents and provide them and their families with some food and gifts for a holiday celebration.

“It’s particularly challenging for those of our students who are funded through student loans. Their financial restrictions make it difficult for them to light up their children’s faces,” says Jillian Burford-Grinnell, Vice-President (Finance and Services), SGPS.

The SGPS has noticed an increase over the years in the number of students with dependents applying for emergency student aid around the holiday season. The SGPS decided to establish the campaign last year and managed to help out 18 families. The student organization aims to assist 25 families this year.

SGPS is accepting donations of non-perishable food items, toys and gift cards. People can also make a cash donation to the campaign using PayPal. Donations must be dropped off at the SGPS office (John Deutsch University Centre, Room 021) by December 14 at 3 pm. Other arrangements can be made by emailing Ms Burford-Grinnell.

about the Holiday Assistance Campaign.