Researchers' smart coating makes super-protective surfaces possible

Researchers' smart coating makes super-protective surfaces possible

February 27, 2013


A new technology, developed at Queen’s University, could see contaminants, ice, fingerprints and graffiti losing their grip on a wide range of surfaces. Discovered by researchers Guojun Liu and Dean Xiong (Chemistry), the coating has shown promise in repelling undesired water and oil-based deposits on multiple surfaces including glass, metal, wood, ceramics, plastics and fibres.

a leading manufacturer and supplier of novel additives to the paint and coatings industry, is working with the researchers and PARTEQ Innovations, the university’s technology transfer office, to commercialize the technology for a broad suite of uses, including anti-graffiti, anti-icing, anti-fingerprint or smudge, and anti-fouling.

“Our discovery was inspired by the lotus leaf, which has given us a wonderful example of a self-cleaning system, designed by nature,” says Dr. Liu, a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Materials Science and an award-winning researcher.

The industry-academic collaboration is supported by Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE), which is following up an initial investment of $25,000 with an additional $200,000 in development funding.

PARTEQ Innovations is the not-for-profit technology transfer office founded by Queen’s University. It works with institutional researchers, industry and the business and venture capital communities to bring early stage technologies to market.