Principal Woolf tours Ellis Hall renovations

Principal Woolf tours Ellis Hall renovations

October 1, 2013


Ken Roth, a planner in Physical Plant Services, shows Principal Daniel Woolf the plans for one of the active learning classrooms in Ellis Hall as Principal Gifts Officer Patty McHenry (far left) and Brenda Ravenscroft, Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning) in the Faculty of Arts and Science (far right), look on.

Principal Daniel Woolf toured several classrooms in Ellis Hall that are being renovated and transformed into environments that facilitate active learning. Featuring mobile furniture and a wealth of technology, the classrooms will enable students to work in small, collaborative groups and easily communicate with the rest of the class.

The Ellis Hall active learning classroom project was highlighted in a recent story on the Queen’s News Centre, and a provides more information on the project, including designs for the new spaces.

Conduits running through the floor will supply student workstations with power and connectivity.