Four individuals recognized with Distinguished Service Awards

Four individuals recognized with Distinguished Service Awards

October 23, 2013


By Craig Leroux, Senior Communications Officer

Four members of the Queen’s community were presented with Distinguished Service Awards (DSA) this past weekend at the annual dinner of the University Council. Chancellor David Dodge, who chairs the Council, and Principal Daniel Woolf presented the awards to Kim Black, David Ginsburg, Greg Lessard and Alistair MacLean.

“These individuals have made outstanding contributions to Queen’s and are deserving recipients of its highest service award,” says Principal Woolf. “While they have served in a number of different ways, they share a remarkable passion for this university.”

Four members of the Queen’s community were recognized with Distinguished Service Awards. Pictures, from left to right, are Principal Daniel Woolf, Dr. Alistair MacLean, Dr. David Ginsburg, Dr. Greg Lessard, Ms. Kim Black, and Chancellor David Dodge.

The DSAs are awarded annually to faculty, staff, alumni and friends to recognize contributions to the university that go above and beyond what is normally expected. Award recipients become honorary lifetime members of the University Council.

Kim Black is president of Black & Associates and has over 30 years of experience in the consumer goods and clothing industries. She served as a member of the Board of Trustees from 2001 to 2012, including as vice-chair from 2006 to 2012. Nominators recognized Ms. Black’s strategic leadership as chair of the nominating committee, where she worked tirelessly to recruit new members that filled identified gaps, contributing to positive membership renewal and expanding the Board’s range of skills and areas of expertise. Ms. Black graduated from Queen’s with a Bachelor of Commerce degree in 1983.

David Ginsburg is a professor emeritus of Queen’s Department of Medicine. He retired in 2003 after more than 40 years as a faculty member, administrator and researcher. Nominators recognized his efforts to integrate research and teaching in the clinical environment, his role in founding the Comprehensive Cancer Centre, and his service to the Senate. Dr. Ginsburg mentored a generation of physicians, many of whom are leading clinical, research, and educational enterprises at Queen’s University. He is a graduate of the University of Cape Town.

Greg Lessard is undergraduate chair in the Department of French Studies and a professor in the School of Computing. He is past academic director of the Bader International Study Centre, and served as special advisor to three principals. Nominators recognized his enthusiasm, his ability to pay attention to details without losing sight of the big picture and his deep dedication to Queen’s. They also noted that he consistently goes that “extra mile” as a teacher, researcher, administrator, mentor, and advisor. He graduated from Queen’s with a BA in 1974 and an MA in 1976, and earned his PhD from Laval University in 1984.

Alistair MacLean is a professor in the Department of Psychology and served as dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science from 2006 to 2013. Nominators recognized his efforts to set the faculty on a positive course for the future amidst a range of external pressures. Throughout his deanship, Dr. MacLean led curriculum diversification efforts, the development of interdisciplinary initiatives, and strengthened relationships with alumni and donors to obtain support for scholarships and bursaries, academic chairs, and facilities. Dr. MacLean graduated from Queen’s with an MA in 1967 and a PhD in 1969.