Community meeting will introduce residence plans

Community meeting will introduce residence plans

April 8, 2013


The plans for two new residence buildings on campus will be presented to the public at a community meeting this week.

“This is a great opportunity for the Queen’s community and local residents to hear about the goals of the projects, the building schedule, and to ask any questions they may have concerning the residences,” says Bruce Griffiths, Executive Director, Housing and Hospitality Services.

One residence – planned for Leonard Field between Morris and McNeill Halls and fronting on Albert Street – will be an eight-storey, 208-bed building. The second residence, located on Stuart Street, will be a six-storey building with 338 beds.

The new residence buildings will support current and future needs for student living space on campus. Current demand for residences exceeds the available number of rooms, and demand is expected to increase along with the university’s projected enrolment. The 546 new beds will help fill the rising demand for residence space, including the need for more units for upper-year and international students. The new residences will be built to .

Construction of the new buildings is expected to begin in 2013 with completion for residency in fall 2015.The updated will address future student housing options and opportunities.

The community meeting takes place Thursday, April 11, 7–9 pm in the Robert Sutherland Building, Room 202, 138 Union St. Please contact Debbie Gilliland if you plan to attend.