

Kinesiology and Health Studies

Keywords: politics of the body, sport, fitness and health; history of sexuality; feminism; gendered embodiment; walking and everyday movement cultures; the politics of parks and public space.

Other Affiliations: Kinesiology and Health Studies

Associate Professor


Keywords: migration law and policy; refugees and social justice; border security and critical terrorism studies; constructions of citizenship in ethnically divided societies. 

Other Affiliations: Law

Assistant Professor


Keywords: gender and sexual diversity and gender expression; anti-racist, intersectional and coalition-building approaches to gender and sexuality democratization in schools; queer theory, affect theory, neo-materialism and relational ethics approaches to social justice in education.

Professor Emeritus

Film & Media

Keywords: historical approaches to film, Canadian film and television, film authorship.

Associate Professor


Keywords: intellectual property law, policy, and politics; innovation and sustainable development; issues in regulating new technologies and commercializing medical/scientific research; biopiracy and protection of traditional and cultural knowledge; privacy and data protection; feminist and critical legal studies.

Keywords: terrorism and political violence; sociology of religion; religion and politics in the Middle East; religion and the public sphere; diaspora politics and activism; atheism and non-religion; hate movements and the far-right.

Assistant Professor

Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Keywords: 19th century literature and culture; photography (and/in literature); medical humanities.

Associate Professor

Art, Gender Studies

Keywords: visual art practice; industrial methods/materials in contemporary studio art; political and applied cartography; Islamic visual culture.

Assistant Professor

Gender Studies

Keywords: critical feminist theory; transnational Queer theory and praxis; critical sexuality studies; gender, sexuality and Islam; sociology of gender, racialization, nation and ethnicity; feminist and Queer ethnography.


Ban Righ Centre

Keywords: food justice and anti-poverty activism; food insecurity in Canada and Cuba.

Keywords: l’écrivain français Louis-Ferdinand CĂ©line; littĂ©rature francophone du XXe siècle; théâtre français et quĂ©bĂ©cois depuis 1945; l’intertextualitĂ© et l’intermĂ©dialitĂ©.

Associate Professor

Film & Media

Keywords: Indigenous methodologies; Indigenous women's film and media; Quebec and Canadian cinema; transnational cinema; road movies; oral tradition, storytelling and popular cultures; oral practices of cinema.