"Tracing Kingston’s Solidarities" is a series of performance pop-ups designed to activate Kingston’s rich history of Black entrepreneurial history through the art of printmaking. Each event centers around a significant figure or family from Kingston's history, with a mobile printing press that travels around the city. The public is invited to engage directly by printing t-shirts and collecting brochures that delve into the histories behind the images. This initiative not only brings to light the lesser-known narratives of Kingston but also utilizes printmaking as a tool for public education and engagement.

Movement #2, titled "Mark Making, Meaning Making Poster Workshops," invites participants to animate their personal archives by bringing photographs and mementos to create large posters through collage, drawing, painting, and printmaking. This movement celebrates the living histories of Kingston's residents, making it a deeply personal and communal experience.  This movement will take place in Ontario Hall.

The third movement, "Stories Out Loud," transforms the city into a live gallery. Participants create billboard-scale prints that are collaged and wheat-pasted at key historical sites across Kingston. This act of large-scale community printing serves as an alternative archive, making visible the cherished yet hidden histories of the area.

Six workshop will be offered:

18 and 19 May,

1 and 2 June,

21 and 28 September

10 AM- 4PM; Off-site: Ontario Hall, Room 208, 67 University Ave, Kingston, ON. 


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