Waitlist FAQ

The waitlist is a pool of qualified applicants. It is not ranked in numerical order, and we are unable to tell you where you are on the waitlist. We will do everything we can to update you on your waitlist status as soon as possible. At the absolute latest, we will provide you with an update by June 15, 2024.  

Accepting an offer to another program will not impact your chances of being admitted from the waitlist. If you receive an offer of admission from the waitlist at Queen’s, you can accept your new offer. If you wish to be added to the waitlist, please go to your SOLUS Student Centre (), click the Admissions tile to select the program, and then click ACCEPT.  Your response must be received by 11:59 PM ET on the date indicated in your email inviting you to be on the waitlist. 

We will move as quickly as possible to fill additional spaces that may remain in the program. There is no guarantee that any potential waitlist offers will be made prior to the deadlines you have to accept other offers of admission. If you have another offer, you can (and should) accept it by the deadline. Should you receive an offer from the waitlist, you will need to cancel any prior acceptance before accepting the new offer from the waitlist. 

If you receive an offer of admission from the waitlist prior to June 3, you will be able to apply for residence. The residence application and deposit deadline is June 3 at 4:00 pm ET. Please refer to your offer letter from Undergraduate Admission and Recruitment if you are unsure if residence is guaranteed for you. 

You may apply to the residence waitlist if you receive an offer after the June 3 deadline. Residence offers will continue to be made as spaces become available over the summer.

Additional information about Queen’s University’s Residence Commitment is available here.

If you are admitted from the waitlist, you are eligible for Queen’s scholarships and bursaries. If you are awarded a scholarship and/or a bursary, you will be notified when you receive your offer of admission. 

If you missed the deadline to accept your spot on the waitlist, please contact our office as soon as possible at admresp@queensu.ca.  Your request will be reviewed by our Admission Committee, and you will receive an update within 1 business day.


If you meant to accept your spot on the waitlist, but you accidentally clicked decline in SOLUS, please contact our office as soon as possible to request a correction at admresp@queensu.ca. Our Admission Committee will review your request, and you will receive an update within 1 business day.