
Kinesiology is the science of the human body in motion. You will learn about the physiological, biomechanical, psychological and sociological factors that influence human movement, exercise and sport performance, along with health. From the structure of the cell to the structure of society, your studies in Kinesiology will expose you to the complex factors that influence health and wellness.

Health Studies

Health Studies strives to understand the complex factors that influence physical, mental and social health and overall well-being. Drawing largely from social science disciplines, our courses explore the social determinants of health, approaches to health promotion, health policy, health behaviour change, epidemiology, and program planning and evaluation. You’ll be expected to challenge yourself and to think critically about health in relation to social justice, politics and culture. And you will gain the skills you need to do that.

Hispanic Studies

Knowledge of Spanish is increasingly important in today’s world: there are over 350 million Spanish native speakers. With your language and culture skills you will have greater opportunities in the job market, be able to communicate with co-workers and customers, understand signage and documents, especially if traveling abroad. This major will also give you the opportunity to go abroad to a Spanish speaking country and immerse yourself in the language and culture.

German Studies

Knowledge of German is extremely important in today’s world. Germany has the third largest economy in the world and is the economic powerhouse of the European Union. Knowing German will increase your job opportunities with German and foreign companies in your own country and abroad. German is a language of science and scholarship, since Germans have been prominent in virtually all the cultural and scientific disciplines. Knowledge of the language will make huge resources available to students of history, music, art history, philosophy, physics, etc.

Geographic Information Science

Geographic Information Science (GISc) is the broad umbrella under which geospatial data is collected, processed and analyzed. The Queen’s University Department of Geography and Planning offers a Geographic Information Science Certificate (GISC) to enhance the skills of students not only in Geography and cognate disciplines, but across the gamut of concentrators in the university.

For more information about certificate eligibility and how to apply, visit our webpage.

Geological Sciences

Geoscientists interpret the natural world. They bring methods such as geophysics, geochemistry, geobiology and field geology together to understand the modern and ancient Earth. Clues concealed in rocks and minerals, fluids and fossils, mountains and sediments, glaciers and volcanoes are marshaled to understand and explain the Earth system at all scales.

Global Action and Engagement

The Global Action and Engagement (GAEN) certificate is a fully online Queen’s certificate for students seeking to better understand global development issues and contexts. It is for students who wish to prepare for overseas or volunteer community work and who are looking to enhance their skills with a better theoretical understanding of development concepts.

For more information about certificate eligibility and how to apply, visit our webpage.

Environmental Science

Society has become more aware of the seriousness of the environmental problems we face. Yet, at the same time, we have realized that the solutions are not simple. To work towards environmental sustainability, people need to understand the scientific basis of environmental problems. They also need to have expertise in planning, policy and other fields to deal with the social, economic and cultural complexities that surround them.

Data Analytics

Data Analytics is a new way of understanding complex systems by building computational models that are consistent with the observed data about those systems. If you want to play a positive role in shaping the way people make important decisions based on the presentation of data, then this is the right certificate for you.

For more information about certificate eligibility and how to apply, visit our webpage.