Mechanical and Materials Engineering

Undergraduate program: Mechanical engineers are needed wherever there are machines or devices - including the human body. Their work covers every stage of design, manufacturing, testing, operation, and research. Queen’s provides the skills needed to excel in the broad field of mechanical engineering, with a general option as well as specializations in biomechanical or materials engineering.

Engineering Physics

Engineering physics combines the practical skills of engineering with the deep knowledge of a scientist, applying analytical and lateral thinking to modern engineering challenges. Courses in quantum mechanics, laser optics and nanotechnology will help prepare you for an engineering career at the leading edge of technology. You will acquire advanced problem-solving and instrumentation skills, and will be able to apply superior mathematical, analytical and abstract-thinking ability to modern engineering challenges.

Electrical Engineering

Undergraduate studies: Electrical Engineering is a broad discipline that spans from the physical world to the purely information-based world. In this program, you will build on a base of applied mathematics and physics and learn to use the laws of physics that govern electrical systems to design new products and services.

Streams of specialization include:

Computer Engineering

Undergraduate studies: Computer engineers build connections between the virtual and physical worlds. In this program, you will learn to develop and advance the information and communication technology that is changing the way people live and work.

Streams of specialization include:

Civil Engineering

Undergraduate program: Learn how to design, plan, and build the structures and systems of our built world while protecting the natural environment to shape society and the world we live in. Civil engineering addresses the present challenges in environmental, geotechnical, hydrotechnical, and structural engineering including those arising from climate change.

Chemical Engineering

Undergraduate program: Learn to design, control, and optimize energy-efficient, sustainable, and economically viable processes to generate products such as energy, materials, food, pharmaceuticals, and biomedical devices. Queen’s prepares engineers to work on any scale, from mass manufacturing to micro-scale chemical reactions, with specializations in chemical process engineering and biochemical engineering.


Statistics is the science of designing informative experiments, of displaying and analyzing data, and of drawing valid conclusions from data. There is great demand for those who understand and can apply statistics effectively. Knowledge of statistical methods is useful to scientists and engineers, and to others working in government, research, industry, and medicine. Statistics can also be studied as a subject in its own right.

Software Design

This program is for those determined to push the boundaries of computer systems beyond their current limits. Mentored in the art and science of computer software architecture, analysis, and evolution by experts, our graduates become the software architects, graphics and game developers, designers, and entrepreneurs who drive the software revolution.

Spanish and Latin American Studies

If your focus lies in Latin America, the Spanish and Latin American Studies Minor would complement your Major plan. The SLAS Minor Plan provides students an interdisciplinary element which is not strictly limited to literature, film and culture. This Plan involves two years of language study in addition to option courses from within the Department and/or other academic units across campus. Option courses include advanced language, literature, culture, art, economics, film, gender studies, geography, global development, history, political studies and sociology.

Physics & Astronomy

Physics at Queen’s combines high-calibre research with an intermediate-scale learning setting, enabling attention and care towards undergraduate teaching as well as exposure to a broad range of topics and expertise. Our students will learn in an engaging environment with the opportunity to conduct interdisciplinary research in state-of-the-art laboratories, and work on projects involving international collaborators such as the experiments in dark matter and neutrinos happening below the surface of the Earth at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory.