Martin Hand

Martin Hand

Professor and Department Head

Acting Undergraduate Chair


Queen's University

Ph.D. (Sociology, University of York, U.K.)

Mackintosh-Corry Hall, D424

Office Hours By Appointment

People Directory Affiliation Category

Sociology of Culture, Media, and Technology; Digital Culture and Society; Visual Culture; Sociology of Consumption and Consumerism  

I welcome applications to undertake graduate work in media and communications, sociology of culture, visual culture, consumer culture, and technology studies.

I have supervised 4 PhDs, 29 MAs, and 37 UG thesis students to completion.


Hand, M. Hillyard, S. (eds.) (2014) Big Data? Qualitative approaches to digital research. Bingley: Emerald.

Hand, M. (2012) Ubiquitous Photography. Cambridge: Polity. 

Hand, M. (2016 [2008]) Making Digital Cultures: Access, Interactivity and Authenticity. London: Routledge   

Shove, E. Watson, M. Hand, M. and Ingram, J. (2007) The Design of Everyday Life. London: Bloomsbury.

Journal Special Issues 

Hand, M. Scarlett, A. (2023) 'Machine Vision in Context: the politics and practices of computational seeing', special issue of photographies, Vol. 16.2. June. 

Articles, Essays, and Abstracts

Hand, M. Scarlett, A. (2023) 'Introduction: The Politics and Practices of Computational Seeing', photographies, Vol 16(2). June, pp.155-171.    

Hand, M. (2022) ‘The Visual in Social Media: understanding visual objects, mobilities, and practices’, in Sloan, L. Quan-Haase, (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Social Media Research Methods. London: Sage. 2nd Edition. pp. 185-189.  

Hand, M. (2021) 'Bauman: a biography', Journal of Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 51(1):72-74. 

Hand, M. (2020) 'Making Time, Configuring Life: smartphone synchronization and temporal orchestration', in Kaun, A. et. al. (eds.) Making Time for Digital Lives: Beyond Chronotopia. Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 85-102.    

Hand, M. (2020) 'Photography meets Social Media: image making and sharing in a continually networked present', in Pasternak, G. (ed.) The Handbook of Photography Studies. London: Bloomsbury. pp. 310-326.  

Hand, M. Scarlett, A. (2019) ‘Habitual Photography: Time, rhythm, and temporal experience in contemporary personal photography’, in Tormey, J. Durden, M. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Photography Theory. London: Routledge. pp. 410-425. 

Hand, M. (2018) ‘Recalibrating Everyday Life: synchronizing, coordinating, and scheduling through smartphones’, AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research.

Hand, M. Gorea, M. (2018) ‘Digital Traces and Personal Analytics: iTime, self-tracking and the temporalities of practice’, International Journal of Communication, Vol 12: 666-682.

Hand, M. (2018) â€˜The Fall of Cyberspace and the Rise of Data’, in Hall, J. Grindstaff, L. Ming-Cheng, L. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Cultural Sociology. London: Routledge.2nd Ed. 

Hand, M. (2017) 'Visuality in Social Media: researching images, circulations, and practices', in Sloan, L. Quan-Haase, A. (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Social Media Research Methods, London: Sage.   

Hand, M. (2016) '#Boredom: technology, acceleration, and connected presence in the social media age', in Gardiner, M.E. Haladyn, J.J. (eds.) Boredom Studies Reader: Frameworks and Perspectives, New York: Routledge.  

Hand, M. (2016 [2014]) ‘Persistent Traces, Potential Memories: smartphones and the negotiation of visual, locative and textual data in personal life, Convergence, Vol 22 (3), pp. 269-286.

Hand, M. (2014) ‘From Cyberspace to the Dataverse: trajectories in digital social research’, in Hand, M. Hillyard, S. H. (eds.) Big Data: qualitative approaches to digital research. Emerald Books.   

Hand, M. (2014) ‘Digitization and Memory: researching practices of adaptation to visual and textual data in everyday life’, in Hand, M. Hillyard, S. H. (eds.) Big Data: qualitative approaches to digital research. Emerald Books. 

Hand, M. Hillyard, S.H. (2014) ‘Digital Social Research: potential and overview’, in Hand, M. Hillyard, S. H. (eds.) Big Data: qualitative approaches to digital research. Emerald Books. 

Hand, M. (2013) Review of ‘Facebook Democracy’ by Jose Marichal, Canadian Journal of Sociology, December.   

Hand, M. (2011) ‘Images and Information in Cultures of Consumption’, in Heywood, I. Sandywell, B. (eds.) Handbook of Visual Culture. Oxford: Berg.

Hand, M. (2011) ‘Information Technology’, in Southerton, D. (ed.) Encyclopaedia of Consumer Culture.   London: Sage.

Hand, M. (2011) ‘Content Analysis’, in Southerton, D. (ed.) Encyclopaedia of Consumer Culture. London:  Sage.

Hand, M. (2011) ‘Social Media and its Discontents’, Academic Matters, Oct/Nov.

Hand, M. (2010) ‘The Rise and Fall of Cyberspace, or how cyberspace turned inside out’, in Hall, J. Grindstaff, L. Ming-Cheng, L. (eds.) Handbook of Cultural Sociology. London: Routledge.

Hand, M. Shove, E. (2007) ‘Condensing Practices: ways of living with a freezer’, Journal of Consumer Culture,Vol. 7(1): 79-104. 

Hand, M. Shove, E. Southerton, D. (2007) ‘Home Extensions: space, time and practice’, Environment and Planning D: Society & Space, Vol. 25(4).   

Gane, N. Venn, C. Hand, M. (2007) ‘Ubiquitous Surveillance’, Theory, Culture & Society, Vol. 24 (7-8): 349-358.  

Hand, M. Moore, K. (2006) ‘Community, Identity and Digital Games’, in Rutter, J. Bryce, J. (eds.) Understanding Digital Games. London: Sage. Pp. 241 – 266.    

Hand, M. (2005) ‘The People’s Network: self-education and empowerment in the public library’, Information, Communication & Society, Vol. 8(3): 368-393.

Hand, M. Shove, E. Southerton, D. (2005) ‘Explaining Showering: a discussion of the material, conventional and temporal dimensions of practice’, Sociological Research Online, Vol. 10(2). 

Hand, M. (2005) ‘Comment on Scales of Place and Networks’, Current Anthropology, Vol. 46(5)   

Hand, M. (2005) ‘Review of “User Error: Resisting Computer Culture” by Ellen Rose, Canadian Journal of Sociology Online, November-December 2005.   

Hand, M. Shove, E. (2004) ‘Orchestrating Concepts: kitchen dynamics and regime change in Good Housekeeping and Ideal Home, 1922-2002’, Home Cultures, Vol. 1 (3): 1-22.   

Southerton, D. Warde, A. Hand, M. (2004) ‘The Limited Autonomy of the Consumer’ in Southerton, D. et. al. (eds.) Sustainable Consumption. Manchester: Edward Elgar. Pp. 32 - 48  

Pantzar, M. Shove, E. Hand, M. (2004) ‘Innovations in Fun: the careers and carriers of digital photography and floorball’, in Pantzar, M. Shove, E. (2004) Manufacturing Leisure. Consumers Association of Finland. Pp. 126 - 146  

Hand, M., Southerton, D., Shove, E., (2003). Explaining daily showering: a discussion of policy and practice, ESRC Sustainable Technologies Programme Working Paper 2003/4, June.      

Hand, M. Sandywell, B. (2002) ‘E-topia as Cosmopolis or Citadel: on the democratizing and de- democratizing logics of the Internet, or, towards a critique of the new technological fetishism’, Theory, Culture & Society, Vol. 19 (1-2): 197-225. 

Courses taught in the last 6 years:  

SOCY901 Sociological Theory (Graduate)
SOCY931 New Media Cultures (Graduate)
SOCY306 Introduction to Consumer Culture 
SOCY310 Visual Culture 
SOCY430 Sociology of Consumer Culture 
SOCY227 Theorizing Contemporary Society