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    In Search of Byzantium

    As an educational historian, my search for Byzantium (330-1453) led me to the remote monastic communities of Mount Athos. Since the 9th century, 20 Orthodox Christian communities have developed and currently reside there. These monasteries have preserved libraries, with holdings between 15,000 and 60,000 monographs. While access to Athos is highly restricted, typically to four days, I spent 12 days here working in five monastic libraries. I held and photographed several dozen texts that were otherwise ‘lost to the world’, and I lived the monastic life throughout my time spent there. Here is the monastery of Simonopetra. The library is in the lower level, near the promontory’s edge.
    Submission Year: 
    Photographer's affiliation: 
    Academic areas: 
    Arts and Science
    In Search of Byzantium
    Faculty / Researcher
    Faculty of Arts and Science
    Department of History
    Faculty of Education
    Mobilizing Creativity and Enabling Cultures
    Society, Culture and Human Behaviour
    Location of photograph: 
    Simonopetra Monastery, Mount Athos
    Prize name: 
    Photographer's name: 
    Theodore Christou
    Display Photographers Affiltion + Faculty or Department: 
    Faculty, Faculty of Education (Cross-Appointment, History)