ࡱ> ?A>o vbjbj@@ +"dJj"dJjb 2 2 8DU(RqL>/C q(s(s(s(s(s(s( +-xs(OOOs(4(Ojq(Oq(;!`!0wv!]((0(!N./6N.!!N.i$OOOs(s(e6OOO(OOOON.OOOOOOOOO2 Y : TEACHING FELLOW POSITION AVAILABLE PHIL 301 Bioethics Department of Philosophy Queens University, Kingston, ON CAN K7L 3N6 The Department of Philosophy at Queens University invites applications from suitably qualified candidates interested in teaching a course in Bioethics (PHIL 301). This is an on-campus, third-year lecture course with an expected enrolment of ~150 students. This is a Winter term appointment for the period January 1 to April 30, 2026, with classes in session from January 5 to April 3, 2026. The University invites applications from all qualified individuals. Queens is committed to employment equity and diversity in the workplace and welcomes applications from women, visible minorities, Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, and persons of any sexual orientation and gender identity. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. The University will provide support in its recruitment processes to applicants with disabilities, including accommodation that takes into account an applicants accessibility needs. If you require accommodation during this process, please contact: Department of Philosophy, Roda Mendoza, HYPERLINK "mailto:adminphil@queensu.ca"adminphil@queensu.ca, 613-533-2182. The Teaching Fellows at ֱ are governed by the Collective Agreement between the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) and the University, which is posted at  HYPERLINK "http://queensu.ca/facultyrelations/teaching-assistants-and-fellows/collective-agreement" http://queensu.ca/facultyrelations/teaching-assistants-and-fellows/collective-agreement Applications should include a cover letter, a complete and current curriculum vitae, transcript, and any other relevant materials the candidate wishes to submit for consideration such as a letter of intent, teaching dossier, etc. Please arrange to have applications and supporting documentation sent as one pdf file directly to: Dr. Rahul Kumar, Head of Department Department of Philosophy Queens University Kingston Ontario Canada K7L 3N6 HYPERLINK "mailto:adminphil@queensu.ca"adminphil@queensu.ca Applications will be received until March 16, 2025. Review of applications will commence shortly thereafter, and the final appointment is subject to budgetary approval. Additional information about the Department of Philosophy can be found at  HYPERLINK "http://www.queensu.ca/philosophy/" http://www.queensu.ca/philosophy/ Course Description: PHIL 301/3.0 Bioethics An investigation of some moral issues arising in connection with health care, including: the relationship between patient and health care provider; reproductive decision-making; euthanasia and the nature of death; and the development of health care policy. LEARNING HOURS 120 (36L;84P) PREREQUISITE Level 3 or above Posted: February 4, 2025      "#(*+,-.278FPQ~     ! 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