This news article contains a (hopefully complete!) list of essays, authored by the Department’s graduate students, that were published or accepted for publication in 2019-20. The publications are listed alphabetically, by authors’ last names.

Note: included are only articles and chapters whose authors were active in the graduate program at the time of publication or acceptance; excluded are works published prior to, or after, their authors' time in the program.

Omar Bachour, “”, in Charlotte E. Blattner, Kendra Coulter, and Will Kymlicka (eds) Animal Labour: A New Frontier of Interspecies Justice? (Oxford University Press, 2019), 116-136.

Joe Breidenstein, “”, Metaphilosophy 51(2-3), 2020, 244-258.

Jeremy Butler, (with Christopher A. Riddle), “”, American Journal of Bioethics 19(7), 2019, 51-53.

Arthur Hill, “”, Critical review of international social and political philosophy 23(6), 2020, 780-787.

Lesley Jamieson, “”, Journal of philosophy of education 54(2), 2020, 425-448.

Kathryn Lawson, “”, Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy 24(1), 2020, 74-91.

Kathryn Lawson, “”, Symposia: The Journal of Religion. Toronto: University of Toronto, 2019.

Joshua Livingstone, “Hannah Arendt and the Free Press”, in the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists series at Springer (Forthcoming).

Andrew Lopez (with Letitia Meynell), "," Synthese (Forthcoming).

Phil Smolenski (with Alexander Motchoulski) “”, The Journal of Philosophy 116(12), 2019, 678-690.

Agnes Tam, “”, Journal of Political Philosophy 28(1), 2020, 73-96.

Michael Tremblay, “Digestion and Moral Progress in Epictetus”, Journal of Ancient Philosophy 13(1), 2019, 100-119.

Michael Tremblay, “”, Apeiron 53(4), 2020, 397-417.

Michael Tremblay, “Stoicism and Mixed Martial Arts”, in Jason Holt and Marc Ramsay (eds) The Philosophy of Mixed Martial Arts (Routledge, forthcoming).

Ryan Wilcox (with Charlotte E. Blattner and Sue Donaldson), “”, Politics and Animals 6, 2020, 1–22.

Benjamin, Zolf, “”, Bioethics 33(1), 2019, 146-153.