Programs and services for women and non-binary entrepreneurs

WE-CAN participants sitting at a table conversing


The following programs and services are available at no cost to all eligible WE-CAN clients:

  • One-on-one coaching sessions for women and non-binary entrepreneurs (enrollment continuously open)
  • Idea Stage, Early Stage, and Growth Stage Masterminds for women and non-binary entrepreneurs (enrollment open at set times of the year)
  • Online workshops and virtual cafes for women and non-binary entrepreneurs
  • In-person networking and learning events for women entrepreneurs
  • Specialized bootcamps for women and non-binary entrepreneurs
  • Legal support services from Queen’s Business Law Clinic (QBLC) if clients meet QBLC’s eligibility criteria
  • Intellectual property support from QPI team members
  • On-site meeting space available on a first-come, first-served basis at Seaway Coworking (310 Bagot Street, Kingston).
  • Membership in WE-CAN Community of Women and Non-Binary Entrepreneurs