Photographed is a girl turned away from the camera, smiling. She is wearing her hair down and a floral dress. The summer sun softens upon her skin, skin that always glows a warm shade of sand.

Elaine Cagulada

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Gender Studies

Sutherland 417

People Directory Affiliation Category

Elaine Cagulada teaches and researches in the areas of disability studies, black studies, and sociology. Understanding narrative as a constitutive force animates her encounters with texts and spaces as stories. Elaine completed her PhD on opening interpretations of deafness, disability, race, and policing at University of Toronto's Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Her poetry and writing have been published in journals such as Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies, Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, and New Sociology: Journal of Critical Praxis. Elaine co-edited, alongside Tanya Titchkosky, Madeleine DeWelles, and Efrat Gold, .