In the January 9, 2024, issue of the Queen’s Gazette, Dr. Laura Thomson and the Ice, Climate, & Environment Laboratory (ICELab) were profiled in the article, “Trip to the top of the world.” The piece explores the ICELab team’s glacier monitoring work on Axel Heiberg Island in Nunavut, and more recently on Baffin Island and Bylot Island, NU. Read the full article to learn about Dr. Thomson and her team’s important research on assessing climate change impacts in Nunavut.

ICELab team on skidoos facing into setting syn.
The 2023 ICELab field team heads back to camp on Axel Heiberg Island, NU. From left to right, Sofia Guest (MSc student), Madeline Myers (PhD student), and Miles Ecclestone (Trent University).


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