Plan Selection and Registration 2024

First-Year Students:

If you're interested in pursuing a FILM & MEDIA plan of study - FILM Major, FILM Joint, FILM Minor, MAPP (Media & Performance Production) Specialization, or COFI (Computing & FILM) Specialization - and you have questions about what you need to be accepted, please review our plan thresholds. If you still have questions or concerns about getting into one of these plans, contact the Undergraduate Assistant by email at

NOTE: FILM 110/6.0 has been replaced by FILM 111/3.0 and 112/3.0. Both must be taken as the core requirement replacing FILM 110.

Important Information about Plan Selection:

Students who have completed 24 units or more must participate in the Program/Plan selection process between May 27 and June 7, 2024. This involves choosing the area of study (plan) that you wish to pursue. For some students, this may involve requesting to change their degree program. For example, students may request a change of degree program from:

  • Bachelor of Arts Honours (BAH) to Bachelor of Science Honours (BSCH) or Bachelor of Computing Honours (BCMPH)
  • BCMPH to BAH or BSCH
  • BSCH to BAH or BCMPH

NOTE: Students who were admitted to the following programs do not participate in plan selection: Bachelor of Fine Art, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Physical and Health Education; or Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology.

For more information on degree programs offered in Arts and Science, please visit .

How to Select a Plan:

To request your Program/Plan, log into your Student Centre in SOLUS between May 27and June 7, 2024. If you need help navigating SOLUS please visit .

Each plan will have an automatic acceptance threshold and a pending list threshold. Once you have decided which plan you wish to pursue, access SOLUS to request that plan.  Be sure to enter your desired plan first. When you enter your request one of three outcomes will occur:

  1. Automatically Accepted - If you meet the automatic threshold for the plan you have requested you will receive a message on SOLUS telling you that you have been accepted into your plan.  Once accepted, your plan information in SOLUS will be updated and a new entry denoting the change will be recorded on your SOLUS record and transcript. Every time you request a plan change and are accepted to a different plan, a new entry will be recorded on your SOLUS record and on your transcript.
  2. Placed on a Pending (waiting) list- If you receive a message on SOLUS telling you that you have been placed on a pending list this means that your request will be manually reviewed by the department following the Plan Selection period (see below). In addition to being informed that you are on a pending list, SOLUS will also inform you that you must select an alternate plan that you can be automatically accepted to.

Students can only be on one pending list. If you are placed on a pending list, you must choose an alternate plan that you are automatically accepted in to. If you choose to leave SOLUS without being automatically accepted to a plan, you will be removed from the pending list. If you do not participate in plan selection you run the risk of not getting into the plan of your choice. It is critical that you are automatically accepted into a plan before the Plan selection period ends. Otherwise, you will not be able to register in your classes in July.

Following the Plan Selection process on SOLUS, departmental administrators will manually review all students on their pending lists. If a department accepts you from their pending list, your plan information in SOLUS will be updated and a new entry denoting the change will be recorded on your SOLUS record and transcript.

NOTE: Departments will not be reviewing their pending lists until June 14th so you may not see a change to your plan until after that date.

     3.  Refused Admission for that Plan? If you do not meet the minimum requirements for the plan you want, please consider the following strategies:  PLAN SELECTION STRATEGIES

For more information and resources about Plan Selection, click Plan Selection. 

Upper-Year Students:

If you're an upper-year student already enrolled in a plan and you'd like to change into or out of a FILM & MEDIA plan, click the Change My Plan button on this  between May 27 and June 30, 2024. Though the Change of Plan period is longer than the first-year Plan Selection period, we recommend you submit your change of plan request as early as possible (in May) so that you're switched in time for summer course registration. 

If you plan to switch to a FILM & MEDIA plan, please note that our plans are popular and highly competitive so they fill up fast. Submit your Change of Plan request by May 27, 2024 for best results.

Contact Dan Vena at if you have questions or concerns about switching plans.

Course Enrolment 2024-25

Don't forget that you must register for your fall 2024 and winter 2025 courses this July to ensure you have the best chance of getting into your preferred courses.

Important Dates & Information: (Subject to change - Check your SOLUS)

June 24 - All 2024-25 Courses Become Available to Search/View in SOLUS


  • To search for MAPP courses, you must type "Me" for 'Media' to locate them in the search criteria and not "Ma" for 'MAPP'
  • To find online courses, you must search under "undergraduate online" instead of 'main campus'
  • Some FILM courses have multiple sections and thus different schedules between sections
  • Some FILM courses have 'undergraduate online' sections as well as in-person sections (e.g. FILM 236)

June 24 - Pre-Enrollment Period
If you're entering second-year in a FILM (Major or Joint), COFI, or MAPP you will be pre-enrolled into your required second-year core FILM courses. If you're in the MAPP Specialization, you will be pre-enrolled in your required MAPP courses as well. 

  • Pre-enrollments will appear on your schedule of enrollments, viewable when you log into SOLUS sometime around 27 June 2024
  • If you have pre-enrolled courses, you must avoid selecting courses that will conflict with your pre-enrolled required courses when you select your remaining courses 

July 15 - Arts & Science Notifies Students of their Registration Time Ticket

This is when you may begin adding courses to your shopping cart. Don't forget to 'validate' your shopping cart to check that you meet the prerequisites for the courses and to see possible course schedule conflicts (which you must avoid).

On/after July 15, you may log in to SOLUS to see your assigned registration time ticket. Note your time ticket and make plans to be available during that time to complete registration for courses (i.e. book time off work and make sure you have adequate internet access on that day/time).

  • July 23 - 1st-year student time tickets occur on this day
  • July 24 - 4th-year student time tickets occur on this day
  • July 25 - 3rd-year student time tickets occur on this day
  • July 26 - 2nd-year student time tickets occur on this day

Important: If you receive a time ticket on a day that does not align with your year of study (e.g. you're going into your 4th year but were assigned a time ticket on July 27 instead of July 26), contact Alicia Kupinski for help. Without help, you may not receive priority for courses at your academic level.

July 23 to 29 - Enrollment Period 1
You may begin enrolling in courses (as of your time ticket date). During this enrollment period, you'll be able to enroll in up to 15.0 units per term. You may notice some courses have restrictions or holds that don't allow you to enroll. In some cases, other students may receive priority access above you (e.g. 4th-year students are awarded priority for 400-level FILM courses, so 3rd-year students will be restricted from enrolling in 400-level FILM courses until the Second Enrollment Period).

July 30 - Enrollment Pause Day
Arts & Science will manually move students from waitlists into courses (only if space allows).
Important: If you're still on a waitlist after this date, consider selecting another course instead. The waitlist system no longer works automatically, so there is potential for you to stay on the waitlist even as space opens up in the course. It's better to check SOLUS regularly to see if space opens up and enroll yourself if/when it does.

July 31 to Aug 4  - Enrollment Period 2
You may continue to enroll in courses and make changes to your enrollments. Most restrictions and holds are removed from courses during this period (e.g. if space in a 400-level course was being held for 4th-year students, that hold will be removed as of August 1 so that 3rd-year students can enroll if there's space left in the course). However, undergraduate online courses will continue to reserve space for 'distance studies' students right up until the first day of classes. 

Aug 5 - 18 - Registration Hiatus Period
You will not be allowed to make changes to your own enrollments during this period.

Aug 19 - Open Enrollment Period Begins
You'll be allowed to make changes to your enrollments and will now be allowed to enroll in up to 18.0 units per term. You may continue to make changes to your enrollments right up until the fall and fall/winter add/drop deadline of Sept 18, 2023. For your winter term courses, you'll be able to change them up until the winter term add/drop deadline in January.

To review the courses that FILM & MEDIA is offering in 2024-25 visit our website.

Production Courses:

You may enroll in no more than one production course per term (e.g. FILM 387: Cinematography in the fall term and FILM 393: Advanced Video Production in the winter term). If the two production courses that you'd like to take in 2023-24 occur in the same term, we will allow you to enroll in both so long as you enroll in none for the other term. 

This has been designed to ensure that every upper-year FILM Major/Joint, MAPP, and COFI student has a chance to take production courses. If during your enrollment time ticket this July you aren't able to enroll in any production courses (due to lack of space or restrictions/errors), please contact Dan Vena at for help.

Production courses emphasize hands-on learning through creative projects. Enrollment in these courses grants students access to the Film and Media production resources (borrowing certain equipment from the Shop depending on what is covered in the course, booking the editing suites and production studio).

To ensure that every upper-year FILM Major/Joint, MAPP, and COFI student has a chance to take these production courses, students can only register for ONE course per term from the production courses listed below:

FILM 377: 3D Animation for Virtual and Augmented Reality

FILM 379: Virtual and Augmented Reality APP Development

FILM 387: Cinematography and Visual Aesthetics

FILM 390: Open Media

FILM 392: Video Production

FILM 393: Advanced Video Production

FILM 394: Post-Production

FILM 396: 16MM Film Production

FILM 397: Sound Techniques for Video and Film

FILM 451: Production Special Topic

NOTE: There are many other ANIM, FILM, and MAPP courses that have production elements, are hybrid, DIY, or part of the Animation Certificate. These can be taken in addition to the production courses listed above.

FILM 214: Mobile Communications

FILM 257: Concept Development

FILM 312: Screenwriting

FILM 356: Animation Production

FILM 369: Advanced Animation Production

ANIM 400: Special Topics in Animation

FILM 455: Cross Platform

MAPP 200: Media and Performance Production

MAPP 311: Sound Production

MAPP 400: Major Project

MAPP 401: Special Topic 

FILM 460: Major Project 

MAPP 493: Visual Music

MAPP Students:
Your required MAPP courses do not count towards the production course rule. You may enroll in two production courses from the list above in addition to your required MAPP course(s) in a given year. 

2nd Year FILM, MAPP, and COFI Students:
At this time we cannot guarantee access to any 300-level production courses during your 2nd year of study. You will, however, be pre-enrolled in the FILM 250: Fundamentals of Media Production course which will provide you with plenty of production instruction. We also reserve some seats for 2nd-year students in our FILM 214: Mobile Communications and FILM 257: Concept Development courses. You're welcome to try to enroll in just one additional production course in your 2nd-year, but because the 3rd and 4th-year students receive priority access, it's more likely that you'll have to wait until 3rd-year to take production courses besides FILM 250.

If you have questions about this Production Course Rule and how it applies to you, please contact Alicia Kupinski Dan Vena at