Lorie Wright
As an arts-informed literacy facilitator working with people experiencing the marginalization imposed by poverty, racialization, incarceration, and disability, Lorie's current interest lies in exploring arts-integrated ways of knowing to advance social justice issues relating to carceral reform. Her Ph.D. focus is the use and impacts of Victim Impact Statements in policy, procedures, and societal perceptions regarding moral choice vs. social construction factors relating to justice and crime. Understanding that each victim's voice is essential for restorative justice and reintegration, her research will evolve around transformative and reparative practices in settler-colonial society.
Lorie is an alumnus of the Ontario College of Art (OCADU) who also holds a master's in Adult Education. Living on and working within traditional Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee Territory, she has publications in the Cambridge Scholars Publishing education series and the Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (QI).